Bonus materials to the “10 Steps to Ultimate Productivity” book
These bonus materials will help you implement the tips that you read about in the book. They will help you deal with the flood of incoming emails, achieve your goals and get your everyday work done.
Here’s Michael Sliwinski. I’m the founder of Nozbe and a productivity geek.
Thank you for purchasing the “10 Steps to Ultimate Productivity” book. I’m glad that you are taking advantage of the bonus materials. This proves that you belong to the special group of people who want to take action and develop themselves by getting projects done!
Below, you’ll find bonus materials to each chapter of the book. I encourage you to read the book systematically – start with one chapter, and when you finish it, go through the bonus materials to make your study even more fruitful. Then, put the book down, and focus on applying what you’ve learned by putting it into practice (as an aid, you’ll find “homework assignments” at the end of each chapter). Only when you have managed to translate knowledge into practice, return to the book. While some people may need an hour, others may require much more time to fully make use of my advice. At this stage, you can move on to the next chapter. Although this way of reading takes longer, it’s better to do a task properly so you only have to do it once.
The bonus materials are presented in the form of Nozbe project templates. If you don’t have a Nozbe account, don’t worry. You can open these projects and tick off studied materials in your browser. If you’re a Nozbe user, just click the “Add to Nozbe” button, and they’ll be added to your project list.
So, let’s get to work!
Introduction -
Chapter 1 -
Chapter 2 -
Chapter 3 -
Chapter 4 -
Chapter 5 -
Chapter 6 -
Chapter 7 -
Chapter 8 -
Chapter 9 -
Chapter 10 -
Another bonus I want to give you is the recording of my webinar “10 Practical Tips to Ultimate Productivity” hosted in April 2017. It complements the book.