
This summer, our long-time customer care officer and creator of that department - Delfina - is going to be visiting Denver, Colorado, USA. This has sprung a thought in our minds that maybe we should arrange for some US Nozbe mini-tour.

The origin of idea

We have been for quite a while pondering on how to more personally assist our users in the USA. Her trip provides a perfect opportunity for it, in our opinion. There are already some parties that expressed interest in having her over for a training workshop.

Why not take this further?

Having this feedback, we started wondering if we should not take it further. Perhaps, should there be enough of interest, arrange for an event? Somewhat similar to the events we had at Tokyo Apple Store in the past.

Anyone up for that?

So, is anyone up for that? If so please contact us and we’ll either arrange for an event or for training workshop with her.