In Nozbe, you can have or join more than 1 space. Here is how it works:
1. You can be the owner of
1 free space.
The free space is limited to 3 people, 3 projects (and no private projects), 3 project sections, 500 MB data
and more.
2. If you already have 1 free space and would like to create another one, it will be automatically changed to a
free trial valid for 7 days.
After this time, you can either extend the Premium subscription or cancel this space.
Note that you can have only 1 space on the trial Premium plan on your account.
3. You can have as many Premium spaces as you need. Remember that each space in Nozbe is a
separate subscription.
4. You can join as many spaces as you want - both free or Premium ones.
5. If your business is growing, you can upgrade to
Business plan.
–> Check our Help Page for more information about the multiple spaces in Nozbe.