Nozbe + Google Calendar = 💙

See how you can improve your workflow by integrating Nozbe with Google Calendar!

Integrate Nozbe with Google Calendar

Why integrate Nozbe
with Google Calendar?

See how syncing your two favorite tools will help you boost your productivity.
integration easy to set up

It's easy to set up

You don’t need to be an IT professional to use this powerful integration.

A few clicks are all you need to start synchronizing Nozbe with your Google Calendar.
organized tasks and events

Beautifully organized tasks
and events

Use Nozbe to tackle actionable tasks and discuss them in comments.

Tasks that have due dates set in Nozbe will be visible in your Google Calendar, so you can easily keep track of them.
immediate sync

Immediate syncing

No need to wait and constantly click the “Refresh” button!

All changes you make in the app will immediately synchronize with your Google Calendar and vice versa.
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How it works

A step-by-step guide to combine the power of Nozbe and Google Calendar

    more time

    Step 1.

    Go to your ⚙️ Settings > Calendars and choose Google Calendar, then follow the instructions to integrate Nozbe with your Google account.

    If you own multiple spaces in Nozbe, you can integrate all of them with your Google Calendar.
    more time

    Step 2.

    Open your Google Calendar.

    In the “My calendars” section, you’ll notice a new calendar called “Nozbe.”
    Here you will find all tasks that have been delegated to you with a due date set.

    Each event contains a link to a task in Nozbe.
    This way, you can easily navigate to it whenever you need it – for example, to check out a meeting’s agenda, or to see the notes or attachments.

    If a task has a due date only, it will show up as an all-day event. Tasks with both a due date and time set will show up in the appropriate time frame in your Google Calendar.
    more time

    Step 3.

    Whenever you add a task with a due date for yourself or someone delegates such a task to you, it will immediately show up in your Google Calendar.

    Need to change a due date of your task? No problem – the changes you make in Nozbe will be synchronized in Google Calendar and vice versa.

    When you mark a task in Nozbe as done, a ✔️ mark will be added next to its name. It will remain present in your Google Calendar. Restoring a task in Nozbe will remove the ✔️ mark.
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