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Introducing Messages in Nozbe

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Discover the new Messages feature

    All communications in one app

    All communication in one app

    Say goodbye to switching between apps. With our new solution, you don’t need any external messaging tools anymore.

    Send one-on-one messages to anyone on your team. Ask them a quick question or discuss things not related to any project directly within your Nozbe app, without having to create a new task.

    Feels familiar, feels good

    Messages are easily accessible from the sidebar. They look similar to Nozbe tasks – you can add checklists, attachments or reactions.

    You can also decide if you want to get Messages notifications or turn them off and focus on deep work.
    Feels familiar, feels good
    Integrated with your projects and tasks

    Integrated with your projects

    Sometimes a chat may result in new ideas. Using Nozbe Messages, you can quickly create a new actionable task from message and add it directly to one of your projects.

    You can also link to any task or project from Nozbe, making it even more productive!

You’re a Nozbe Classic user?

You can easily import all of your projects and tasks to the new Nozbe to take it for a spin.

Learn more about the differences between the two apps and see if Nozbe will work for you as it does for thousands of users who have already switched.