Hi, it’s Michael, Nozbe CEO here. As you might have guessed from my Twitter feed, I’m in Japan now with my wife on a holiday. We are sight seeing Japan: Kyoto and Tokyo. Follow me on Instagram to learn more.
As Nozbe is my job… and my passion… and I’m in a far away country I love I decided to organize at least one Nozbe user event… and the great folks at Apple Store Ginza let me use their venue (fantastic auditorium) for such an event and I’ll be speaking there this Friday, March 28. The event’s seats were gone in less than 24 hours so I’m happy and humbled to be talking to a full hall of Nozbe users and press from Japan. And I’ll be talking about three things:
Mobility, Collaboration and Inspiration
- Mobility means: All of our Nozbe apps on all the platforms, and our new mobile-first approach with Nozbe 2.0 - and a live demo of an alpha version!
- Collaboration means: Communicating through tasks - how we’re the only productivity software suite that truly enables this
- Inspiration means: Our 10-step course and Productive Magazine! (as well as Productive! Magazine Japan)
… and there will be a “one more thing”, too :-)
If you want to know more about this and you live in Tokyo, Japan, I encourage you to visit Apple Store Ginza at 7:30pm local time. We’ll try to find a seat for you. If you can’t make it, I’ll talk more about these three concepts next week on our blog.
For now let me leave you with this: 2014 is going to be an exciting time for Nozbe and our fantastic and productive users… and it will be focused around these three concepts:
Mobility, Collaboration and Inspiration
Are you in? :-)