Last week, we published the #NozbeOffice gallery made of photos taken by you - Nozbe users. This awesome collection would be incomplete without our offices. Well, we mean #NoOffices :) As you know, at Nozbe we don’t have one common workplace. Instead of that, we work from our homes or wherever we feel like working.
Today we’re presenting you our desks. We are different people with different needs, but together - thanks to Nozbe - we are powerful!
Nozbe Team Gallery
Michael, Nozbe Founder and CEO (he also wrote about his #NozbeOffice on his blog)
Delfina, VP Ambassador & Affiliate Program
Hubert, Designer
Iwona, VP Customer Happiness
Kuba, VP Social Media
Marcin, JavaScript Developer
Ola, Customer Happiness Agent
Radek, Chef Designer Officer
Radziu, VP Apple Technologies
Staszek, Software engineer
Your turn
If you haven’t published your #NozbeOffice yet, we encourage you to do it right now! There’s always a chance your workplace (with Nozbe app included) will inspire others to work like a pro! :)