As you know, last week our Nozbe Mac application finally appeared on the Mac App Store and it immediately hit top spots for apps in the “productivity” category! We are very excited.
To share our excitement we announced a competition where you can win a Nozbe account for a full year. And now we extended this competition!
You can win a Nozbe account for a full year!
We extended the competition in two ways:
You have one more day so act now, before it’s too late. Officially we’ll close down the competition on midnight EST time (US time in New York) on Thursday, May 31st.
If you’re a Windows user, you can participate as well! We’ve added additional Nozbe account prizes for our dear Windows users, too.
Although we initially only included the Mac users, now Windows users can participate, too. We want to give away lots of Nozbe accounts to thank you for your support everyone.
Step by Step - how to win a Nozbe account for a year
Step 1: Sign up for a Nozbe account (if you don’t have one)
Step 2: Download Nozbe from the Mac App Store or if you’re a Windows user, download Nozbe from our servers.
Step 3: Post a screenshot on our Facebook Wall from your Mac App Store app where it indicates that Nozbe is “installed” on your computer. If you’re a Windows user, just post a screenshot of your desktop where Nozbe is visible in the dock (make sure not to show private data) :-)
Make sure to like us on Facebook, too.
That’s it! But do you want to increase your chance of winning?
Here are two tips that will give you additional chances of winning a Nozbe account for one year:
Tip 1 - post a review (Mac only): If you post a review of our Nozbe app on the Mac App Store, you’ll increase your chance of winning.
Tip 2 - spread the word (Mac + Windows): If you refer people to our original blog post through Twitter or (better) through your own blog, you’ll increase a chance of winning as well.
If you blog about it, make sure to add your affiliate link at the end of the link like this: http://www.nozbe.com/blog/macappstore/a-YOUR_NOZBE_NICKNAME and you’ll be able to get a commission, too. Plus we’ll sort out additional Nozbe prizes among all the bloggers who blogged about it. Make sure to link to this post.
Please hurry, you have one day left - offer expires at Midnight on Thursday May 31st (USA EST). That means:
- Thursday, May 31st Midnight in New York City,
- Friday, June 1st at 6 AM in the morning in Madrid, Europe
- Friday, June 1st at 1 PM in Tokyo, Japan
Please help us spread the word and win a full year of productivity for yourself and/or your team or company! Others have already done that:
Next week we’ll not only announce the winners but also launch our new mobile web app… so stay tuned! You’ll not only win a full year of productivity but also a new web app optimized for your mobile smart phone.
3 steps to win: (1) Get a Nozbe account if you don’t have one, (2) download Nozbe from the Mac App Store or from our site if you use Windows and (3) share on Facebook with a screenshot and a review and spread among your friends to increase your chance. Good luck!
Thank you so much!