
One of the basic productivity rules is to do less but do it better or, in other words, don’t work more, work smarter. Reinventing the wheel is counterproductive. That’s why Nozbe comes with a super-handy feature: project templates… that can be published and shared with others whenever you want. templates let you create recurrent, editable projects that are pre-populated with tasks. You can use them to show your friends and followers the way you plan, get organized and get things done.

Here are a few project templates that Nozbe community members have created lately.

Learn how to communicate efficiently with your team

Instead of following the high and low bandwidth communication style that is so popular in traditional offices, at Nozbe we’ve realized that there are actually five levels of communication. They all vary between “highest bandwidth” and “lowest bandwidth.” They are even stronger now in the 21st century since there are applications and technologies that help us communicate way better than before. This template explains these levels.

Pomodoro Technique - will it work for you?

The Pomodoro Technique is a simple yet effective way to block time in order to concentrate on the things that really matter. It can help you power through distractions, hyper-focus, and get things done in short bursts, while taking regular breaks to come up for air and relax. And it’s really simple. Learn how to employ it with Jakub’s practical template!

Writing blog posts has never been so easy

Writing a blog entry is a little like driving. You can study the driver’s manual for months (meaning: read “the whole Internet” in search of really cool blog-writing tips), but nothing can prepare you for the real thing better than just sitting behind the wheel and trying your hand at driving. So don’t waste your time any longer. Use this simple template by Dominik,, the author of Near Perfect Performance and write!

Something for parents

If you have kids, you know how unpredictable they can be. And when you take into account those unpredictable accidents, germs, tree-jumping and shoe-sole-tasting (!) moments, it’s better to be prepared for a short visit to the hospital… Just in case, and inspired by her own experience, Magda decided to share this handy template with you.

Share your experience too!

As a Nozbe user you can create fantastic project templates and share them with others. Optimize your productivity, help your friends and show us how you use Nozbe by sharing your template with a #NozbeHOW tag on social media or on your website. We will be happy to feature it on our blog!