This month we have 3 project templates that will save you some time and energy. Check out these editable projects that are pre-populated with tasks and use them when you want to throw a party, do a weekly review or start applying Getting Things Done® methodology.
Use project templates. Don’t work more, work smarter!
GTD for beginners
If you are just about to start your journey to productive and stress-free life this template is for you. We gathered the key information on GTD methodology to encourage you to read the book by David Allen and follow his concept. Getting Things Done® is a practical system for coping with all the “stuff” in your personal and professional life. It’s all about capturing, transforming these things into meaningful projects and tasks and doing regular reviews. GTD will not actually do these actions for you but will assists you in becoming more productive and achieving peace of mind.
Where to start with GTD®: nozbe.how/Vlxoi
Weekly review - step-by-step
Another fantastic weekly review checklist: nozbe.how/HS4Xa. This time Mark Boerger shows how he runs his weekly review step-by-step.
If you want, you might check out other templates related to weekly review on our Nozbe.how website. There is one by Mike St. Pierre, one by Chad Garret and another Weekly review template by Eric Stetler.
Remember to run your weekly review regularly: nozbe.how/HS4Xa.
House party checklist
This is a very simple and basic list of steps for organizing a party. Do you feel like seeing your friends or family sometimes but give the idea up thinking: this is too much of a hassle… We think this template can be super-handy - just follow the steps and spend time with people you like :-)
You might also want to check out Delfina’s guidelines for a perfect Thanksgiving Party: nozbe.how/vAR25
Throw a party people won’t want to leave: nozbe.how/IYoiP
Share your experience too!
As a Nozbe user you can create fantastic project templates and share them with others. Optimize your productivity, help your friends and show us how you use Nozbe by sharing your template with a #NozbeHOW tag on social media or on your website. We will be happy to feature it on our blog!