Here it is after almost a year of hiatus - the new issue of Productive! Magazine - Issue #15. Inside, you will find another set of productivity-boosting articles and the interview with a person I’ve always wanted to talk to – Marten Mickos. He is my guru in terms of virtual team management. As a CEO of MySQL AB he led the team of 500 people working from various parts of the world (read the interview to learn more about the size and geographical distribution of the MySQL employees). Perhaps it was the biggest telecommuting company of all times.
Apart from the interview, we feature 7 articles that will give you power to accomplish all your tasks faster and with less stress.
One of my favourite quotes from this issue of our monthly is an excerpt from Augusto Pinaud’s article: Stop managing time, start managing focus and attention. Identify where your attention is. Read Augusto’s full article to see what it is all about.
You’ll read an engaging passage by Laura Stack dedicated to time management and productivity on higher level of the corporate hierarchy. As Laura concludes: It all boils down to taking care of yourself, limiting access to your time, re-organizing your priorities, and shedding tasks other people can do better and more cheaply. Read the article even though you haven’t been promoted yet. Who knows what your boss is planning :-)
Check out the articles by Marcin Kwiecinski, who says courage is what you need in order to improve and develop. Also, find out what Jim McCullen has to say about his Control Your Day (CYD) system and find out how he uses it to make sure he keeps his commitments to the people he works with and vice versa.
In the 15th issue of Productive! Magazine we also have a little tribute to parenthood by Anita Nakou and Timo Kiander (make sure you read his 7 important productivity habits my parents taught me). Also check out Anita Nakou’s article and find out what lies behind her claim: Productivity is mandatory as a new parent! With my three girls, I have one choice: run my home efficiently, or be run over.
As a bonus – together with Augusto Pinaud I present the first chapter of our best-selling book, “#iPad Only”. Learn how to be productive with a tool that helps you stay focused and avoid distraction.
Read Productive! Magazine on the web or download it from the appstore
As always, Productive! Magazine is brought to you by Nozbe - your favorite time and project management web application with native apps for the Mac, Windows, iPhone, iPad and Android… and now also on Linux.
Have a great read!