The Podcast is a weekly conversation between Michael (our CEO) and Radek (Nozbe VP Apple.) In January our hosts discussed the idea of end-of-year summary and planning the new year better. Listen to the whole Annual Review series, get inspired and achieve your goals!
130: 2017 Highlights
Annual Review series, part 4.
We’re taking a look back at last year, to consider all that was good, bad, ugly, or just unexpected, and learn from it.
Pro Tip: Use the Annual Review Template to kick off your yearly plan
129: Letting go
Annual Review series, part 3.
Each year, start anew. Your past projects, goals, habits don’t matter… unless you decide that they really do.
Don’t automatically move last year’s failed goals to this year.
And don’t hold yourself to the highest standard you’ve ever achieved.
Find it diffcult to let things go? Listen to this episode
128: Values
Annual Review series, part 2.
Last week we discussed how to structure goals. Today, we discuss how to select your goals in the first place.
It starts with deep self-knowledge. Truly understanding the things about you, what motivates you, what excites you, what makes you tick, and also what you dislike and despise. Not the things that everyone will nod their head at, but the things particular to you.
When you write down what you really are like, it suddenly becomes clear which things are important, and which ones merely seemed like a good idea.
Listen to this episode and get to know yourself
127: Burst Projects vs Keystone Habits
Annual Review series, part 1.
Sometimes you stumble upon a project that excites and engages you so much, it gives you what feels like superhuman power. We discuss how to foster the right environment for such projects to appear in your life.
We also explore the subject of focus. We’re much better at doing hard things sequentially than all at once. Well… most things. Some — keystone habits — only work if you do them with high consistency.
And so we present a new template for planning goals for the year. Either as burst projects (high intensity, short duration), or keystone habits (low intensity, high consistency). But not long, stretched out projects layered on top of each other.
126: Inbox Non-Zero
How to become less addicted to notifications and badges.
The thing is: they’re designed to make us react. Every time we see there’s a new message, we check it out. And thus it becomes a compulsive behavior we cannot stop (we’re just humans after all). We can reduce our exposure to the trigger (have less notifications), but how do we fix the root cause?
Related topic: Magic Spreadsheet (Ep. 85)
Rapid improvement (at anything!) requires a tight feedback loop. And for a feedback loop, you need… well, feedback — data. Radek had been tracking lots of such data (weight, habits, hours spent on different projects) in a big spreadsheet for almost 7 years. Michael just started recently.
This week, we’re discussing how we’re doing it, and why.
Don’t be shy!
We hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s episodes of “The Podcast” - please let us know how you like it and what you’d want Michael and Radek to talk about in the future! You can use the comments section below.
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