That magic time, when everything feels a bit slower and calmer, is about to start. On this occasion, I’m happy to wish you all the best on behalf of the whole Nozbe team and invite you to my webinar on New Year’s resolutions!
I like the atmosphere of Christmas: the time spent with loved ones and the feeling of hope and sincere joy. I wish you plenty of time to slow down and reflect on the past year as well as the upcoming 2017. I hope you get a chance to focus on the people you care about and love. We all need this.
What have we been up to at Nozbe lately? We’ve just released Nozbe 3.4, so if you haven’t updated it yet, now’s the best time to check out the new features and fixes.
I’m going to sum up my achievements and failures of 2016 and set my goals for 2017. And that’s going to be exciting. Nozbe is turning 10 (!) in February and we have some plans for the forthcoming months. Speaking of which…
Upcoming webinar: Getting New Year’s Resolutions Done
Do you want to know how I’m going to achieve my goals for 2017? Book your seat and join my webinar on January 12, 2017. I’ll be sharing my best practices for boosting motivation and increasing your chances of getting your resolutions done.
Register now and be sure you do something worthwhile at the very beginning of the new year! Because it is still a couple of weeks away, we will send you a reminder shortly before January 12.
This webinar ended a long time ago, but you can still sign up for our full webinar archive. It’s ~15 hours of content filled with tips that make people more productive.
Merry Christmas!
May the holiday season be full of unity and happiness for you and the people you care about. I hope you celebrate this time surrounded by love and peace.
We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
PS. Let me suggest something for that upcoming slow-down time. Try to find 45 minutes to listen to the 73rd episode of The Podcast in which Radek and I discuss the idea of quarterly reviews taken from Greg McKeown’s “Essentialism.” I also encourage you not only to form the review habit but also to read the whole book by Greg. Beware though, it may change the way you see and do things :-)!
written by Michael, Nozbe Founder & CEO