The magical time of reflection and family gatherings is about to begin. On this occasion, I’m happy to wish you all the best on behalf of the entire Nozbe team.
May the holiday season bring you peace of heart and give you strength and energy for the upcoming year. May the time spent with your family be full of love and appreciation.
I hope you managed to achieve what you planned for this passing year, as well as learned some new things about productivity and what actually works for you. We are all keeping our fingers crossed that your end-of-year review goes well and you set some fantastic (and S.M.A.R.T!) goals for 2018 :) (You might want to use our practical guide for this.)
Here at Nozbe, we know how busy you are, so before you’re off to work, again, let us wish you a happy holidays / merry Christmas / happy Chanukah… and a fantastic new year!
Thank you for being with us and reading the Nozbe blog in 2017! Let’s make 2018 even better together!