In this episode, Rafal describes the way we adopted Ryan Singer’s Shape Up in the Nozbe product development and Michael shares the story of his winning battle against procrastination 💪
Listen to the No Office podcast on remote work and managing a dispersed team
Key things you will learn from this episode:
- How automated journaling can help with procrastination
- Why we don’t have a product development roadmap
- Updates on new features in Nozbe Personal and Nozbe Teams
- Michael’s new podcasting gear
- Nozbe Personal and Nozbe Teams ProTips
Subscribe to our show and learn more about runing a remote software company
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Watch the NoOffice show on YouTube
Meet the Hosts
- Rafał Sobolewski (@sobolowy)
- Michael Sliwiński (@msliwinski)
Show notes
- Leading by context - episode 12 of No Office podcast
- Dogfooding - episode 3 of No Office podcast
- Our polish podcast Nie Ma Biura
- Nozbe Personal 3.19
- Nozbe Personal featured as an App of the day in the App Store
- Keyboard Shortcuts in Nozbe Teams
- The Podcast episode 205
- No Office book
- Michael’s automated journaling
- Automate filtering by labels in Nozbe Personal