Use the following step-by-step guides to boost your productivity. Adjust, apply and share them to make life easier.
Learn to swim with Nozbe.how
You would like to go swimming with friends or try sailing… but you can’t swim? Don’t worry - it’s never too late to learn! Simply check out this step-by-step template, plan some time and go for it!
What apps we use for working remotely at Nozbe
Our company has no central office. We all work from our homes or other places we find comfortable. Dispersed teams need the right tools to get their work done. Here’s a template showing you how exactly we work and what apps help us!
Create templates and save your time !
One of the basic productivity rules is to do less but do it better, or in other words, don’t work more, work smarter. Reinventing the wheel is counterproductive. That’s why Nozbe comes with a super-handy feature for recurring stuff: project templates.
Learn how to create a practical template using cool Nozbe features. This is your step-by-step guide!
If you want us to publish your templates on our Nozbe.how website so that it can be used by other members of our productive community - let us know via social media or email