Dozens of your photos appeared in social media after publishing #NozbeOffice post on Nozbe blog. Now, we’ve got an awesome #NozbeOffice gallery!
When we started the celebration of Nozbe’s 9th birthday, we were sure that Nozbe Users will participate in our joy and fun. But what happened later, was beyond our wildest dreams!
Now we want to sum up this action. It’s impossible to show all pictures, so we decided to pick some of the best of #NozbeOffice sets and put them together in one place.
Your #NozbeOffice
.@nozbe Where I work. My #NozbeOffice setup pic.twitter.com/Mh3yqUxgin
— Stuart Ruthven (@Stuart_Ruthven) January 25, 2016
Hey, @nozbe - here’s my #NozbeOffice — overkill on the monitors? pic.twitter.com/cIiUK92tOB
— Laura McClellan (@LauraMcMom) January 26, 2016
@nozbe great idea! @My #NozbeOffice pic.twitter.com/IaA8j2ocpS
— Eric Stetler (@ericstetler) January 29, 2016
Hey @nozbe!!! This but one of my #NozbeOffice spaces!! pic.twitter.com/IMwtDmO0dU
— Mike Shipp (@mike_shipp) January 26, 2016
A look at my #nozbeoffice setup pic.twitter.com/xJpOwYX8FU
— Mike St. Pierre (@mikekstpierre) January 25, 2016
Where I work. #NozbeOffice pic.twitter.com/XhEmb1cFPj
— deancbrown (@adkdcbrown) January 25, 2016
My #NozbeOffice pic.twitter.com/StEgCeplQK
— Dan Skiendziel (@ddskiend34) January 25, 2016
A junked and then reclaimed old fold down writing desk with a splash of paint. My #NozbeOffice is small like my Mac! pic.twitter.com/DtqPbts6Nm
— Marcus Platt (@marcus_platt) January 26, 2016
@nozbe #NozbeOffice pic.twitter.com/io7b2aV1te
— Steve Erickson (@ipointtheway) January 26, 2016
And now, when my daughter went to bed it's time to prepare for the next day 🍷🍷🍷Standing #NozbeOffice #NoOffice pic.twitter.com/qFwNMJBSxK
— Mateusz Grzegorzek (@matgree) January 26, 2016
How we Get Things Done @findhopetv offices in Hamilton, Ontario Canada #NozbeOffice pic.twitter.com/A3rtxcGZuZ
— Bonnie Barber (@BonitaBarber) January 27, 2016
My office space at a desk. #NozbeOffice pic.twitter.com/SJOOQzbBLL
— Amanda Guiseppi (@Mandalay81) January 27, 2016
#NozbeOffice pic.twitter.com/Zgg5mQkqoE
— Hollis White (@HollisWhite) January 27, 2016
Sin papeles !! @nozbe #NozbeOffice pic.twitter.com/xAYkONE7c1
— Emilio Auyanet (@Auyanet) January 28, 2016
My #NozbeOffice :) with great assistant pic.twitter.com/4cZpUAc0cl
— Paulina Kacprzak (@paula_kacprzak) January 29, 2016
Home office #productivity with @nozbe #NozbeOffice pic.twitter.com/9Em91gdVyw
— Lee Zaretsky (@lzaretsky) January 30, 2016
My #NozbeOffice (Part Two) @nozbe #ProductivityModeON #loveNozbe pic.twitter.com/9ksB3B8UKd
— L. TeLLez (@LTellez_1024) February 1, 2016
Nozbe is a great tool for organization and productivity. #NozbeOffice
Posted by Bob Andersen on Monday, February 1, 2016
Thank you!
The celebration is nearly over, although if you haven’t published your #NozbeOffice yet, we encourage you to do it right now! There’s always a chance your workplace (with Nozbe included) will inspire others to work like a pro! :)