29th edition of Productive! Magazine is here. This issue is a powerful one, so make sure you read it as soon as you’ve got a minute or two :) You will learn how to deal with difficult people, gain up to 40% of your workday and claim back your life. We also welcome you to read the interview with Simon Grabowski from GetResponse (leading email marketing tool) about the journey from a one-man shop to managing a great international company and running a marathon… at the North Pole.
Inside No.29
Interview with Simon Grabowski, the founder and the CEO of GetResponse.
“Optimization would probably be my second name :) Because I love doing that, and, you know, sometimes it can be a little bit frustrating for those around me…"
Preston Ni, a professor, coach, and trainer shares 6 key ways of dealing with difficult people.
“The first rule in the face of an unreasonable person is to maintain your composure. The less reactive you are, the more you can use your better judgment to handle the challenge."
Tomas Paulik of Clevork presents 9 ways to gain back 40% of your workday.
“Interruptions at work can take up as much as 40% of your productive time. But don’t panic, the following nine tips will help you build lines of defense and win the battle for your precious time."
Marc Kilian - the author of “The DART Principle” book shows a new perspective on how to claim back your life and create a life that matters.
“People work in jobs they hate, spend time with irrelevant activities, and talk with people they don’t like about subjects they don’t care about. When asking them about the reason behind all that the prevailing answer is: “I don’t have a choice…"
Grace Marshall from Think Productive shows you how to deal with uncertainty that might hinder any creative process or decision.
“There is no right. The more we obsess about having to get it “right” the more confused we’ll become."
Rafa Garcia, who helps knowledge-workers improve their self-organization focuses on David Allen’s bibliography and reviews his books:
“Afterwards, Allen fortunately decides to focus on the David Allen Company, giving talks around the world and answering interviews to the media. He collects the “street level” effects of GTD and prepares the 2008 forthcoming book (…)"
Last but not least, Laura Stack describes her favorite productivity apps.
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P.S. The proud sponsor of the Productive! Magazine is Nozbe.