We haven’t slowed down after getting Nozbe beta 5 with new Evernote and Dropbox integration to you. And it is not only the Tech Department where tons of work are being done.
Nozbe team is preparing a brand new website and a new magazine devoted exclusively to Nozbe-related issues. Michael, the CEO, is modifying a bit the company’s business model. Members of the support and translations team have their hands full as well. We are all really busy and excited at the same time. We are creating a totally refreshed product - a new quality that will take your productivity to a whole new level.
Yes, of course… We know that the most interesting stuff is going on in Nozbe Tech Dept and so here are the news.
New gestures for mobile phones and tablets
Yes, new gesture - swipe left the task in order to edit the “Time needed” parameter or… whatever else you find the most useful. How is that possible? In the settings section you can choose which task’s parameter the “swipe left” gesture will edit.
What the engineers are working on at the moment?
BOX integration. You will be able to easily add links to your BOX files - just like you have been using the Dropbox files so far.
iOS8 specific features. New iOS has introduced some great possibilities to integrate the app with the system. We are working to use them and make Nozbe iOS app even better. We’re also aiming to be among the apps that launch together with iOS8
Edit mode improvements and bugfixes. This might be a good news especially for those of you who wish to add one comment to numerous tasks at once :)
Performance improvements.
Much more small bugfixes and upgrades.
The big day
We are going to complete Nozbe 2.0. really soon. OK. You are right. This probably never be true as we are never absolutely satisfied with our product and keep improving it over and over again. But the official release day is coming. This month we are going to stop calling Nozbe 2.0 beta “beta”. It will be a release version and all the new Nozbe customers will have no choice but use it and enjoy it like we do :)
As usually we say a big thank you to betatesters who invest their time to help us build a super-effective productivity tool.