Update: our Mac App version 1.2 is already on the Mac App Store! - thanks Apple!
It’s been a crazy time recently for us as we’ve grown our team, made many changes and prepared lots of code to launch new features for Nozbe in the shortest time possible. We’ve had some ups and downs getting it ready but we are, in fact, now ready to tell you what’s soon to happen in Nozbe. Here’s what we’re working on:
- “rich comments” - you’ll be able to comment with files, links, images, documents, Evernote notes, Dropbox or Box files…
- checklists - you will also be able to easily comment with simple checklists (better and clearer than sub-tasks)
- email attachments - better email support to easily comment with files
- printing support - to print projects, tasks (with comments) and much more
- voice task input (dictation thanks to the great Google engine) in our Android app
- adding photos as task comments on mobile apps
- our partner Macoscope has just submitted completely redesigned and improved iPad and iPhone apps, you’ll love them! Soon on the App Store.
- and much more!
A few weeks ago we submitted Nozbe Desktop version 1.2 to the Mac App Store but because of Apple’s “sandboxing” rules we couldn’t get the app approved. We will get there, but it’ll take another two weeks at least. For now, we posted Nozbe for Mac and Windows 1.2 on our development blog for you to enjoy these great features:
- drag and drop between projects/contexts and tasks
- “push” sync to make sure your desktop client is always up-to-date
- “quick add” - to quickly add tasks from anywhere in the app
If you want to get the desktop version now (not through the Mac App Store), download Nozbe 1.2 today
Over the course of the next few weeks we’ll be shipping tons of great apps - new Android version, a Windows Phone version, refreshed iPad and iPhone versions (from Macoscope guys)… and Desktop version 1.3 with most of the above-mentioned features.
By the way, apart from this blog, we offer two other blogs:
- Status.Nozbe.com - to update you on our infrastructure status
- Test.Nozbe.com - where we’ll be posting early-builds of our apps
The future of Nozbe is bright! It’s coming along nicely for us and most of all - for you - our fantastic customers. Stay tuned, fingers crossed… and enjoy the productivity boost you’ll be receiving from us regularly over the coming weeks.