We want to make Nozbe the most practical collaboration app for you and your team. Our main goal is to make communication much more effective and help everyone stay in sync. We also want you to easily handle various facets of your professional and personal life. Multiple spaces in Nozbe will help you here! Read on to find out more.
From now on, every Nozbe user can own and/or belong to more than just one Space.
And a space is an isolated place that you can dedicate to:
- a specific aspect of your life,
- a company and agency you work with or own,
- specific purpose/client.
Here is a short video that presents this feature in Nozbe. Read this blog post if you want to learn even more.
Why would you need more than one space?
You populate a space with projects and work on them with other space members. You can create your own space and be a space owner or accept an invitation and become a space member.
Usually, you want to create a space for your company, department, or a team. Once you set up a Space, you want to invite everyone you work with to be a part of this space to share projects, add tasks, and get things done together.
Multiple spaces for serial entrepreneurs
If you are a serial entrepreneur or work in more than one organization, you should have separate spaces for each of them. This way, you will be able to keep things organized and never confuse anything.
How does it work? You have one Nozbe account in which you can switch between your spaces with just one click - you have all your projects under one roof, but they are organized in separate workspaces.
Nozbe to keep your work-life balance
It’s a great idea to separate your work-related projects from your personal stuff. It’s easy! Keep your professional projects in one space and create another one for your family and/or friends.
This way, even when on holidays, you can leave your work behind and still use Nozbe to get your private projects going.
Other use cases: Nozbe for freelancers and company departments
Sometimes you might want to create separate spaces for specific departments of your company or organization if they don’t cooperate closely on a daily basis and shouldn’t have access to specific data.
Some of our freelancing users have spaces for their key clients to ensure all the information is safe and well organized.
Agencies working with various companies can also have separate spaces for each of their client.
Who can create multiple spaces?
Let’s repeat it: Everyone can set up a space in Nozbe.
If you are a manager/company owner, you can create a space for your company or department and invite everyone who you want to collaborate with.
You can have a Free space with up to 3 active projects and 3 members. If you wish to have more projects or more hands on deck, you will need to switch to Premium or Business plan and access Premium features.
Note, you can only own one Free Space. Every other you set up will be a Trial Premium Space by default, and you will need to pay for a subscription depending on how many people you want to invite within 7 days.
If you are a member of a space created by someone else (e.g. your manager), you can still have a space of your own! You can set it up easily and use it for your private stuff, another organization, company, or group.
Joint projects to the rescue
Remember that if there is a project you want to share with another organization or company, you don’t need to set up an entirely new space! In most cases, it is much easier to create a project and invite another space to share it with you. This feature is called Joint Projects, and you can read more about it here.
How to add a space in Nozbe
Creating an extra spacec in Nozbe is very easy. Just use the plus button situated on the left - beneath the avatar of your current space, and follow our instructions.
We hope that this short entry exhausts the topic. If you have doubts or additional questions, write them in the comment below or in a message to the customer service team: support@nozbe.com.