Feel like you know all the options in Nozbe? In Episode 54, Michael and Magda dive into powerful tips and tricks that can completely transform how you work.
Learn how to filter tasks, make the most of Favorites, and even share single tasks with people outside your projects! Don’t miss this episode—it’s a must-listen for every Nozbe user!
⭐️ Key things you will learn from this episode:
- All my tasks in 1 view in Nozbe
- Separate space for personal tasks and projects
- Advanced filtering tasks in Nozbe
- Using Favorites not just for projects in Nozbe
- Too many tasks in Activity view?
- Status tasks / mini reports in Nozbe
- Reminders in Nozbe
- Recurring tasks in Nozbe
- Sharing a Single Task with Someone Outside the Project or Space in Nozbe
- Emailing Tasks and Comments to Nozbe
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- Magda Blaszczyk (nozbe.pl/magda)
- Michael Sliwinski (@msliwinski)
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- |Nozbe Help Page
- Status tasks in Nozbe
- Tags in Nozbe
- How To Start With Nozbe in Less than 5 Minutes
- Previous episode on task-based communication
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This is NoOffice Podcast number 54. And today we’ll talk about quirks and features and small features and big features and things that make our productive life more productive and fun. Yeah, actually, we’ll be talking a lot about Nozbe, about the features that are a little bit hidden, or if not hidden, maybe not so obvious. Our motivation and the reason why we are doing that is that very often we are talking to our customers and to the users, both Michael and I and other members of our team as well and we are really shocked very often because people who are like power users, the geeks, the really smart and the people for whom the technology is nothing, they don’t find all the features that we think that are so easy to find and that are so obvious and that we use on a daily basis. You know, the idea behind Nozbe, as I’ve explained on this podcast many, many times over, is that we have this simple structure of projects, tasks, and comments. So you divide everything you want to do in projects. And in these projects, you have all these tasks that help you get these projects done. And in these tasks, you have task parameters and comments where you actually communicate with your team, with your team members, with everyone else, you get feedback and you iron out the details. And just with this simple structure, if you get it right, if you really stop using email internally, stop using other forms of communication internally, but just focus on putting everything in projects, tasks, and comments, you will be doing great. You will succeed and you will be 90 % there. But behind that, Nozbe has many small features, small things that make life even better, even more productive, small quirks and features. And today we’ll talk about this because last week when I was running a vlog, when I was explaining some hidden features, it was cool to see in the comments live as I was doing the show that people were surprised when I was demoing something, when I was clicking somewhere and they were like, “Ah, you can do that. Oh, you can put stuff there. Oh, things can go there. Oh, you’re using this shortcut?” So people were surprised and it was so nice to see that. But on the other hand, yeah, we want you to use your tool, the tool that you use daily, like Nozbe, to use it better, to use it more effectively. So that’s why today’s episode, we’re gonna geek out on cool features. - Yes, and don’t think that we are hiding them, because we are poor UX designers or something. It’s like Michael said, we want to keep it simple and hide the extra things just for people to find it or just for people to learn from us. First thing that is really, really often being asked and people are complaining a little bit that, oh, how come it is not possible to view all my tasks from various projects in one view - in one place. This is totally possible in Nozbe. All you have to do is to scroll down on the sidebar, find the option that is called Space Members, and there, just choose your name or username. And voila, you have all your tasks from all the projects in one view, one by one, only your tasks. Yes. And with that, you can see all of your tasks, which is really useful, especially when you’re doing a weekly review on a Friday, you can just see all of your tasks, you see everything that’s on your plate. And you can decide if you want to move tasks around, complete some tasks, or abandon some tasks, like this is also possible. Because in Nozbe, when you open a task, you can both check it off as done or you can abandon it, which means I’m not doing that. But as a manager, what you can do is you can click on a different person. I can click on Magda here in Nozbe and I can see all tasks that Magda has on her plate. This way, it’s really easy to assess what people are working on, how many things they have on their plate and how busy they are. Of course, I can see only tasks of Magda from the projects that we both have access to. But if you’re running your company, your team, just like we are, so where most projects are basically available for everyone to access for everyone, you can see basically everything that Magda is working on. Yes, I use this view, this option very often, especially when I remember that I assigned a task to someone, let’s say to Andrew. And I don’t really remember what kind of task it was, what was its name, but I remember that I did it and I would like to have his feedback or his job now. And What I do is I find Andrew on the list and I choose Andrew, and I just scroll through his tasks, and I find the task that I delegated him sometime ago. Sometimes this is the only way to find something if you don’t remember the keywords that you used. » Yeah, exactly because search does be as great. Like by keywords, you should be able to find anything. But of course, sometimes as you said, you just don’t remember the exact how you phrase the task and the most obvious key words don’t give you any results. So this way, this is another way to find something. You just remember that this person should be responsible for this task. So this way, you can do that. And also remember that in Nozbe, everyone can check out everyone’s tasks. It’s not only admins feature or something like that. This is not only the person who pays for the subscription that is able to view other people’s tasks. No, this is the option available for all the space members. I can check my boss’s tasks, my boss can check my tasks, colleagues can review their tasks between themselves. Yeah, for example, in our marketing team, we have Magda, we have Emilia, we have me, we have Paul. So also Emilia can click on me and just and just check my tasks, what I have on my plate. He can do the same, you know? So it’s really easy, it’s this way. Again, what I like about Nozbe is that Nozbe, if you use Nozbe correctly when working together, you’re kind of leveling the playing field because you’re all working together, like hand in hand, instead of just, you know, the hierarchy of boss and not boss is kind and disappearing because you’re working together and you’re looking at each other’s tasks, you’re giving feedback to each other’s tasks and this is how it should be. - Yes, and of course, once again, I want to emphasize that no one can see your tasks from your private projects. If you created a private project with a small padlock just next to its name, so it’s only available to you, no one, even the person who pays for the subscription, won’t have access and won’t see the tasks from that project in your tasks view. Also, if you’re a member of a team or you have a premium team, you can create your own workspace, free workspace with three projects and up to three people in the space. So this way you can completely have like private three projects, active three projects separate from your work. And this is a great way to separate, you know, work and fun. For example, I have such a space with my wife. And this way, when we are planning our trips or we have a whole project, we have a whole project with all the recurring tasks that you have to do around the house. And we have that all in our private workspace. This is only for me and my wife. We only have access to this. And this way we can manage our stuff. And also we can plan our trips. Yes. And again, this is not only available for the subscription owner or for the space owner. No, if there is a manager who creates a premium account and he has seven space members. Each of them can create their own private space. This is our way of saying thank you for using Nozbe and also this is a way for helping you to keep this work -life balance, yes, and separate work from your personal life. - Yet, lets you manage your private life as efficiently as your work -life because you can also add tasks. You can also, in the private space, you can have also one template for free. So you can have templates. So this way, for example, you can have a packing list which you use for trips, which we do again. So this is really the easiest way to separate that and to manage both private and business life in one app in Nozbe.
- Okay, another idea, another option that we would like to present you is the filtering option. I hope that you’ve already found the filtering option in Nozbe. It’s located in the upper right corner of the window. It’s like a small magnifying glass with two stripes or two lines, horizontal ones. and let’s say you were in this My Tasks view. So you entered two space members and you clicked on your name. I’m in Mac does tasks. And there are plenty of them from all various projects. And this filtering option lets me only view certain tasks. Let’s say only the tasks with a particular specific tag and the task that should be completed before Monday and this way you can just narrow down your list and to perfectly use the filtering options and remember if you are filtering tasks the obvious options like only tasks for tomorrow only tasks filter by filter by what they’re in this tag or by yes by date or by person. Yes. So these are the obvious ones, but there is one more option that says more and their magic happens. Yeah. So for example, we have this with the more, you know, advanced filters. What we have is that you can, for example, filter tasks that have a due date until today or tomorrow, for example. This means overview tasks plus the tasks for today and for tomorrow, and which is really great because if you’re doing again a weekly review, you can have a filter of how many tasks or which tasks do I have to do until next Friday. I have committed to for next week, and this way you can see how many commitments you have for next week, and maybe you can see if you can get out of some of these commitments so that you don’t have so many things to do. And you might not make it all. So the filter option is really fantastic, because you can filter any view like this. Also, we can filter projects. You can filter tags. You can filter anything. But especially in the My Tasks view, when you have so many tasks from so many projects, you can filter them in one convenient view. And it’s the same, you know, again, if you feel like you should check out on your colleagues, you can go to a colleague and filter their tasks and see how many they have overdue, or how many things they have on their platform next week. And this way, you can easily filter the tasks. Yeah, like now I have an example of how we can use it. Let’s say there is an assistant of a manager or the company boss or owner and they have a tag to be signed by the boss or to be confirmed or to be accepted by the boss. And she delegates him tasks with this tag, which means that he should sit down on it and just verify, sign or just give his thumbs up up for her idea or for the question she had. And if he’s not giving this feedback to her, she can go to his tasks and filter the view with all those tasks where she asked for feedback, and she attached this tag waiting for Boss’s reaction, and she can just maybe write a short comment, “Hey, come on, I’m waiting,” or something like that. Yeah, and another thing that people have found very interesting last week, when I was showing them how I work, is that you can basically any view, you can put it in your favorites. So in the sidebar, there is this favorites section, and people assume that it’s your favorite project, so the project that you really want to work on, which is true, but also you can put any other view. So for example, you can have a tag and we’ll give more examples later today about how you can put tags in your favorites, but also you can put your own tasks in your favorites or your colleagues tasks in your favorites and let’s say filtered, with the filter on. So this way you can see their task with the filter applied and quickly access that. Again, a real -life example. I was talking to a guy who is, I think, a real estate agent, and he’s supposed to call to his clients with some kind of reminders or to make sure their property is still on sale or for rent, and he’s supposed to make these calls every day. So he has a really big bunch of tasks with a telephone tag. And he says, but Magda, I need to make those phone calls regularly. How can I, and I don’t want every day to spend time and to click several times to find all the tasks with the telephone tag, then filter them by over the end today and tomorrow to prepare his phone calls for the ones that he already forgot about and plus today’s plus tomorrow’s. It takes too much time, he says. So the idea for him is, okay, filter just once, find the tags and find the due date and then add this filter to your favorites. This way, you won’t have to click several times. Every day you open your Nozbe on your computer, you have it. Yes, but let’s emphasize it. It’s only on the device where you added it to the favorites.
- Yeah, I mean, if you add your own view or somebody else’s view to your favorites, it sinks across all devices. So you will see this person in your favorites everywhere. But if you apply a filter, the filter is applied locally on this device, so it doesn’t sync with other devices. So for example, if I have you in my favorites and I have filtered it by some criteria, and when I open on the phone, it will not be filtered like that. I can set up the same filter, or I can just set up a different filter for your tasks. So it all depends. So the filter is local for the device that you’re using, and I hope you are using Nozbe not only on your computer, but also on your smartphone, and if you have a tablet also on your tablet. Okay, so that was the favorite section. Now let’s move on to the fourth point we wanted to discuss. This is the activity view. Many people, when I talk to them and they decide they or not be with me. Sometimes I’m horrified because they have hundreds of tasks in their activity view. For me, that would be psychological disaster. I would probably just have a nervous breakdown because whenever there are more than 10 or several tasks in my activity view, I get nervous and I prefer to zero it down every now and then. So if I have a small break between two tasks, I just hop, I jump to Nozbe, I check the activity whether someone needs me, or maybe they are doing something that is of interest to me, or maybe I want to appreciate someone with my heart reaction, then I do this. If something is not of interest to me, I just mark it as red in a quick way, so I just use the option to mark “all” as red. Yeah, so the problem is that people are just following, because we have this concept of following projects, so people are following too many projects. And just to give you, I mean, Whatever we’re going to say now, and we’re going to give you a few tips, just please note that we are already working on several new enhancements to Nozbe that will simplify it and will not let people have thousands of thousands of things in our activity. We have a few ideas by talking to customers how to make it a little bit better on them so that they don’t feel like they’re overwhelmed and they have too many things in activity. But anyway, Still, it would be nice, it would be, let’s say, advisable to try to control your activity view a little bit and this way to make sure that you really are reviewing tasks that are really important to you, that really you should be reviewing. And that’s why my advice and something I’ve been following for quite a while now is to follow fewer So even if some projects are, I’m, you know, I’m really interested in these projects. Instead of following the entire project, I very often choose a task in the project because you can in Poland, in Nozbe, in Poland, in Poland and in Europe. And then, you know, and so in Nozbe, you can follow both the project and the task. And the idea behind this is that if you participate in a task, even if the task is in a project that you are not following, you’re following this task automatically. So if you comment on a task, if you give your reaction to a task, or if somebody mentions you in a task, automatically you’re following this task. So this way, for example, in Nozbe, we a separate project for each one to be featured. So over there, I choose to follow only the most important tasks there, or I take part in almost important tasks there, but I don’t follow these projects entirely. This way, all the activity from these projects is not showing up in my activity view.
- Yes, and coming back to this idea of observing projects, yes, because it also give some problems to the users. Observing a project is you do this in order to have any information from the changes that other people introduced in the tasks, in these projects, in your activity view. This is a very nice view for assistance or for managers to see how other people are doing, what they are adding to tasks, how they are contributing, how they are progressing, and which projects go to your observed. First, the projects that you have created, plus the projects that you consciously, proactively marked as observed. But as we said, you can be a part of a project. You can have an access to a project, but you don’t have to observe it. When you unobserved project, don’t worry it doesn’t mean that you will lose access to it. This is just you won’t get over and over again those information about all the tiny changes made by other people. So be conscious and be smart when choosing which project to follow and which project not to follow. Yeah. And this whole concept of following, you know, it’s, it’s, it’s, this is the idea that we have discovered over the years that instead of like inviting everyone to each projects, it’s like when you work with so many people with, you know, even if your team is 10 or more, the number of projects can be overwhelming. And then That’s why at this point, you should start to create this new culture in Nozbe where you decide how you’re going to react to projects, how you’re going to participate in projects in this way that it’s not too overwhelming. So for example, there will be a link in the show notes to article by Magda about our status tasks. So this idea that, for example, in a project, there is the project leader of this project has one task, it’s called the status of this project. This way, they kind of journal there, hey, I’ve been working on this, I’ve done that, I’ve completed this, I’m still struggling with that. So this way, they kind of journal over there, and people can follow just this task, instead of following the entire project. This way, they have kind of the concept, the idea of the status of the project and this is also the it has to be a part of your policy and communication policy in your company. You have to agree with all your team that project leaders will create single tasks like the separate tasks for short reports that will that they will write regularly daily or on Fridays when they will be doing their weekly review. So this is the condition. They have to create it and then they have to mention the people that could be interested in reading those short reports from the whole project. Yeah, and this is the cool thing. So in our case, if a programmer creates a new project for the thing that he’s going to build and they create the first status task. They can just mention me, and the moment they mention me in this task, I start following this task. So I don’t even have to do anything. They just mention me and say, “Hey @Michael” and you know, and then he mentioned several people or a group of people. We have group mentions as well. So you can mention a group of people, and this way this group of people will automatically follow this task, And they will receive updates in activity about this task. And this way, kind of this status task, it kind of builds this idea of having a place where you can, you know, kind of group chat about the project. - Exactly.
- All right, so let’s move to another thing about speaking about, you know, being a manager and how to manage people using Nozbe with minimum effort. One of my favorite tricks to do that is to add reminders to other people’s tasks. So for example, if I’m like, let’s say somebody’s working on something, I have commented on it, I’ve given my feedback. Very often, after giving like a thorough feedback, I set up a reminder. So every task can have a reminder and this reminder is only for the person that set up the reminder. So for example, if Magda, this is your task, you’re working on something, you ask me for feedback, I can set reminder for let’s say tomorrow and this way this task of yours will come back to my incoming tomorrow to remind me, hey, and you can check Magda’s progress in this task. task. This way, I’ll have to remember about it. I’ll have to remember, “Ah, I should check how Magda is doing with this thing.” For example, we had the Black Friday promo. I didn’t have to get back to anything. I could set up a few reminders to make sure that I’m there. If I need this, I can give feedback. Even if you don’t mention me, I can give feedback because I see that you’ve made progress, but I can still add comments. So for many managers, and especially I talk to the owners of the businesses, they ask me, “Hey, how can I make sure that when I delegate the task to someone or give feedback to someone, I don’t forget about it and I can check on it?” So the reminders is the easiest way. And sometimes for me, the easiest way really, if something is not urgent, is to set a reminder for Friday when I do my weekly review. And in Nozbe, we have a dedicated option, like remind me on Friday. So this way, like on Tuesday, we talk about the task and I said to remind me on Friday. So this way, on Friday, when I do my weekly review, I have many more tasks in my incoming that come back as reminders and I just go through them and see how was the progress, which one I have been done, is the easiest way to be on top of things and to make sure that when you delegate or give feedback, things are not forgotten. Several points on reminders from my side. First, you can create a reminder, add a reminder in your own task and in someone else’s task. And the thing is that the person to whose task you are adding a reminder won’t realize that you added it. Yes, they won’t know that there was some kind of reminder added by someone to their task. Another thing is that you can add several reminders to one task. I don’t know why would you do this, but I’m sure there are plenty of use cases that could be used. So I, using reminders, personally, I just define it as a starting date for the task. Because imagine, I receive a task from someone that requires, let’s say, eight hours of work. Something serious, writing something, researching something, and it’s impossible to do it in one day. But this person expects me to have it done on Friday. If If Nozbe kindly reminds me, “Hey, Magda, it’s Friday 9 AM, you are supposed to give back this task.” Well, I’m kind of not in a very good situation. So what I do is when I get this task, I set myself a reminder, for example, for two or three days earlier, just to be aware that soon the deadline comes and I should start working on it. So yeah, that’s that’s how I’m using reminders, usually as a starting date, like this when the work should start. And this is again another point I wanted to make about how we make Knoss be so flexible. With all these features, as you can see, they can be used for many purposes. Knoss can be really adjusted to your needs. We just mentioned reminders. They’re not just reminders, but for a boss, they can be a way to to check on people or a way to check on progress. For somebody who’s working on a big task, it can be a way to have a reminder, you know, one day before, three days before to start working on it. So it can be the start date, or it can be a midpoint date or something else. So It’s like it can serve many purposes. So that’s why when people write to us and have ideas for Nozbe features, they’re often like, I want to start date. And we are like, okay, you want to start date, we’ll think about it. And when we say we think about it, which means we think how we can solve it that you can have a start date, but maybe we can have something else also with this feature. That’s That’s why, for example, we created reminders. So far, I’m really loving reminders, and I really use them a lot. Very often, if I have another example, if I have a task and I don’t want to work on it this week, I’m like, “This week, no.” But maybe next week, so I’m just going to set a reminder next week, and then on Monday, it remind it, like I will get a reminder about this task. And then I’m like, Oh, I’m going to work on it right now. So it’s again, it’s a way to, to postpone a task as well. So again, you can use it for many purposes. One more use case as well. For now, we don’t have this option that lets us delegate a task to several people at once. Yeah, yeah, this This is a questionable thing, but very often people would like to have this option, especially for the meetings. If a manager of someone wants to call a meeting and they want to have a task for it in Nozbe, and this person wants to invite several people for the meeting and have them remember that it’s on Tuesday at 3pm, then what they can do, they say, “Hi, I’m calling the meeting for Tuesday 3 p .m. And because this is their task, they will delegate it to themselves and Set the set the deadline for 3 p .m. on Tuesday, but people who are who are invited to this Reunion or the meeting they can set themselves Reminders to these tasks for Tuesday 3 p .m. This way Nozbe will remind them it’s not their task but they it will land in their incoming so this is like the workaround for for the for this option that we don’t have and I yeah this is good I think that we don’t have it but yeah that’s a really really good thing to do. Yeah some of the things that we are discussing today just like meetings as well, are things that also we’re working on to make even easier. Again, we’re listening to our feedback, feedback of our customers all the time. That’s why Magda has the demo meetings. If you want to talk to Magda, go to masby .com /demo. If you want to talk to me, talk to customer support and they will schedule a date to talk to me as well. With Magda, you can talk about like how to use Nozbe in your company, in your team, in your own productivity and how to learn about all these quirks and features of Nozbe. And to me, I talked to especially business owners, people who have been using Nozbe to help them understand how they can use Nozbe better in their team or how maybe we can leverage Nozbe or how we can maybe improve some Nozbe features, as I mentioned, to fit into their workflow. Okay, so I think, let’s talk about the– - Custom repetition.
- Custom repetition, so. - This is also very often just, people don’t find it. It’s hidden, again, on purpose not to around the person in this first view. But every time you create a task and you set a deadline, then you can also make it like recurring task, because many, many times. Yes, so more on that after a short break. Today, one of our listeners is Mike, our favorite customer, and I’m going to show testimony from Mike, to show Mike, to Mike, and to all of you how he uses Nozbe and his team is using Nozbe. We tried different project management tools for the first couple of years when I was with the organization I currently am, CCMA, and then we realized that we just need really one place where we can communicate, where we can share projects, where we can think in written form where we can give each other feedback. So we tested a couple of different things and eventually we settled with Nozbe teams and it’s been really fun to see the software mature and just get better and better. The data security, I know the company is totally committed to improving the product. For us, it’s simple. We have some members of our team who are very tech savvy and some who aren’t as tech savvy. So to find one tool that actually is usable for all those is not easy. We did dabble in a couple of competitors and they were just too much, you know, too complicated, too many features. What our team needed was something simple, reliable, trustworthy, something that was fun and attractive and enjoyable to use. And so Nozomi Teams is really fit for us. It’s met that sweet spot. It’s reasonable, we’re a nonprofit, and so the price is right. It’s easy to add members. I just added somebody yesterday, it was no big deal. I think I went to the five person plan to six. It was not a big deal. So that’s nice because it’s flexible for us. It just gives us a place to park everything and it works for us. So we don’t want to be emailing within our team, we’re not perfect at that, but we want to cut down on that, we want to cut down on interruptions during the day and so I’ll try anything that will help accomplish those two things. So for us, Nozbei teams really fits that need that we have as a small team. All right, - We are back. I’m sorry, I’m so excited when I’m talking about Nozbe that I forget about important things like publicity. - Well, I, (laughs) me too, but I wanted to just, you know, have the break because now let’s talk about custom. ‘Cause, you know, the obvious recurrence of like every week, every, you know, other week, every year, every month, this is straightforward, but we have much more. Yes, you just have to click on the small option that is called Custom Recurrence and there again you will have the whole new world of recurrence. So first you have to choose like in which time periods you want to operate, days or weeks or months. And once you choose, you can choose, let’s say, every week on Mondays and Thursdays, or every second Tuesday, like you can do any combination you want. And what’s even better, you can set up the recurrence until certain point. So I’m always laughing that this is very good your grandmas who are taking their pills or antibiotics that you have to finish taking your pill next Tuesday. Yeah, I mean, this is great for setting up these kind of situations where you want to do something on every first Monday of the week or every other, you know, it’s the power between, I mean, the power behind the custom recurrence is amazing. And the cool thing is in Nozbe, the interface is very well, very nicely designed. Hubert, our designer designed it really nicely. I think it’s better designed than in the standard calendar apps because the idea is that once you do it, you can see the preview like where Nozbe, how Nozbe understands what you just did. So really feel free to play with it, to just go every one week or one month, and then you have additional options. It’s like on a Friday, on a Monday, on whatever, like it’s amazing. And not only for grandmas, I mean, taking their pills, but also not only for middle -aged men doing some other things like sports. And now it’s also for the situation when you have like a set of meetings or a set of milestones for a project that you want to hit so you want to have several meetings and then have them end by a certain time by the deadline of the project. So you can really play with it. And again, this is the power. And automate at the same time. Yeah. Exactly. So question. I didn’t tell you this, Magda, but I had a question from one of our customers. So if I have a task that is, you know, repeating, can I complete it and then it’s going to come back? And I’m like, yes. That’s magic. People don’t understand. Yeah. That’s, I mean, that’s what you’re supposed to do when something is for today. And then, you know, in three days, today you complete it. You have to do this. I do this because I’m not we will tell you, you haven’t completed it. And then when you complete it, it will come back. It will not get, you know, lost in translation. It will not be archived. And you will never see this task again. You complete the task. And then it shows up on the next day that it’s supposed to show up. So if you have something for like, we have this podcast every other Wednesday. So we complete this recording, we like back at this complete. And then in two weeks, it’s going to come back again to record another podcast. So yes, use the custom repeating pattern, play with it. And this way, again, I’d just not be to your needs, but also, you know, keep completing these tasks and carrying your streaks of things done. Mm -hmm, exactly. Number seven It’s something that I didn’t even realize existed in Nozbe. So you see, we even managed to surprise you, Magda. Even me. So, imagine the situation. There is a project, let’s say, created by the main director or the CEO, and he just wanted to have this project for people he trusts the most. For the leadership team, it’s a leadership project. Or the board of directors. And they are working in that project. This is a project with a limited access. So not all the team has the access, but only the invited people. And at some point, they need some contribution from Ms. Alexandra from HR department and she’s not in that project. Oh my God, what to do? It’s simple. You just create a task for Ms. Alexandra and in the comments you write what you need from her and in the tasks details, you click on the button who to responsibility button. And of course you won’t find Ms. Alexandra at the top of the list, where only the members of these projects are. But if you scroll down, you will find her because she is a member of your space, of your Nozbe space. And you chose her from the list. And this way, this task will be still in this project. And Ms. Alexandra will see this task, this unique task in her single tasks view. She won’t have access, she won’t get access to the other tasks from that project. They will still be only to the boards of directors. But together, the whole group plus Ms. Alexandra, you will be able to work on this separate specific task. We are using this very, very well in one of the examples is we have a project for for buying equipment, for buying our iPads, Macs, iPhones, for buying equipment. And we have a project only with the group of directors and with Kamil, who’s coordinating all the equipment that we have in the company. And this way, in one project, we have all these tasks together, all the stuff that we’re buying. We don’t need additional Excel sheets. We don’t need additional places where we put stuff, what we bought for people, and all that stuff. We have it all in this one project. And the cool idea behind this is that we figure out what we want. So for example, Magda just got a new MacBook Air. And we were talking about this, what she should get, which kind of computer. And then in this task where we discussed Magda’s laptop, we would delegate the task to Magda. This way Magda received this task in her single tasks so she doesn’t have access to all the other computers or iPhones we buy for other people but she has access to this one task where we can iron out the details of her computer like you know which color she wants you know which kind of storage or whatever and then we were discussing this there and this way we have access to all this information, but we can ask for feedback one particular person from our workspace who is not in the project without risking or worrying that they will have access to everything we discuss. Yeah, and this option is even better because this case is just the beginning. You can share a task with someone from outside your project, but from your Nozbe space, from your team. But it’s also possible, exactly the same situation, but you don’t invite Magda or Ms. Alexandra from HR department. You share the single task with someone from totally outside world, like with your, I don’t know, accountant or graphic designer or a business partner or someone from the agency that you are collaborating with. So even if this person doesn’t have Nozbe, with one click you can delegate them a task. This task will be sent to them via email and in this email they will find a link that will let them open the task in a separate card tab in their » Yeah. We are about to launch a whole campaign promoting this feature, because I think it’s brilliant. You can create a task basically for anyone in the world, and you don’t have to know if they use Nozbe or not. Most probably, they won’t use Nozbe because we have only thousands of customers, When you send them an email, I mean, when you delegate a task to them via email, what happens is that they get an email that, “Hey, Magda created a task for you in Nozbe. Click here to open it,” and they open it in a browser. The browser is of course very flexible, so you can also open it when you receive an email in an iPhone, you open it in a browser in an iPhone. The cool thing is, you’re asking them to participate in the task, so They can just write a comment. Even if they don’t have a Nozbe account, they have just access to this one task. They can write a comment and you will receive the comment directly in Nozbe. This way, we keep on advancing on our mission that email is for handshakes, but then you work in Nozbe. So the first handshake is the email. Somebody sent you an email, you forward the email to Nozbe and then you delegate the task to the email person, the person who emailed you the task, and you continue working, you continue the relationship in the task directly in Nozbe. This way you– - At the same time, you don’t force someone to create a Nozbe account and to use Nozbe as well. The outside person can stay in their email inbox. - Yes, they - They keep receiving the emails. - You still have your things in Nozbe. - Exactly, they keep receiving the emails while you’re having everything, all the information, all the activity, all this task inside of Nozbe. And again, this way, they can set up a Nozbe account if they want to, but they don’t have to. They can keep using just email and just clicking on the link and responding to your comments, and that’s it. So this is the easiest way to work with people outside. And we’ve had many, many requests from people, from teams, especially using Nozbe, like really internally, how can I work with a subcontractor? Who doesn’t want to use a different tool? Who just want, I want to do them, I want them to do just one thing. So this is the one thing you do. You create a task for them and you delegate to their email address, and that’s it. So, and We just improved on this feature. We are advancing on this feature as we get feedback from people. But the idea is that people this way it can really keep working in Nozbe while sharing the task with other people.
- Okay, and now as we are talking about emails, we have our last point to discuss and this is emailing tasks to Nozbe. And there are so many use cases and so many options and so many like pieces of information that we would like to share that. I don’t know if we’ll be able to stop ourselves. But let’s start from the basics. Every view, every place in Nozbe has their own unique address. It’s very strange. It has a lot of letters and symbols in it. But, actually, every place, every task, every project section, every project, your single task view, all these places have their own unique email addresses. And if you, for example, working on a client and you have a project dedicated to your client, and one of the tasks says, “Sign a contract with this person. And of course, you probably you are emailing with this client and asking them, “Oh, Mr. Johnson, please, here is the contract, please sign it and send me the scan or the photo of the scanned contract.” And once they reply and they actually attach the scan, you want to have everything in one place, in Nozbe, in the project dedicated to this client. So what you do is you ask Nozbe to generate an email address to this specific task, sign a contract with Mr. Johnson, and you forward your email with the attachment to this particular place. And this way you have everything regarding this client in Nozbe, where you want to have it. That’s really simple. Yeah, this is something that many people don’t discover. That’s why it bears repeating. You can email in Nozbe, just to Nozbe. So this way, the task goes to single tasks when you forward it to Nozbe. But then you can email it to any project section. So if you have Several sections in a project, you can just choose an email address of this section. But also, you can even generate an email for a specific task. So this way, you can email something to one particular task, and this attachment goes to this task. So this is really powerful. We’ve had customers, and we love it, say that this is the easiest way to integrate other services with Nozbe. So in other services that they use, for example, they use something specific for their niche, for their industry, but they still coordinate everything in Nozbe. So they set up notifications from that other tool that the notifications go to their Nozbe account. So this way, whenever something happens in the other tool, they get a notification in Nozbe, which means they get a task in Nozbe and they can continue working in Nozbe with the entire team. Exactly. You can also, what you can do also is to ask Nozbe to generate this strange email address to a specific project, let’s say accounting or finance, and give this email address as your personal email address and ask the person to come on, don’t use my Gmail or don’t use my work email address. Just use this. I know it’s weird, but use it. And this way, all your contact with this person will go through Nozbe, and the emails that this person sends you, they will go to your specific project in Nozbe that you want to have this correspondence with them there. It’s really useful.
- Some of our customers are using this for newsletters, like if they have like some specific newsletters, Like, not all of them, but some specific newsletters which they really want to read, and they want to make sure that they take time to read, maybe on a Friday when they do, you know, the Mighty Friday, the weekly review, and then after the week they want to read the newsletters, they want to, you know, have time for personal development, and they just used the Nozbe email for this project or for this project section, for that particular newsletter. This way, They don’t receive this email in their email inbox. They receive it directly in Nozbe. And once they read the newsletter, this is just market is done. So this way, they can have it done. And this way, they also make it searchable inside of Nozbe. So the use cases of email and Nozbe are amazing. And we are about to launch additional things. We are right now submitting Gmail plug -in to be able to even work better with Gmail and Nozbe. We have some additional enhancements and something I wanted to again mention, speaking of sending tasks via email to other people, is that this is a more secure way, of course, because as you know, Nozbe is about security, all the attachments you use in Nozbe are not only sent in a way that’s encrypted but they’re stored also on our servers encrypted so this way even you know we don’t have access to your attachments and that’s why lawyers very often choose Nozbe and this way again if you’re a lawyer and you want a very specific contract being sent or some specific information it’s better that you create a task in Nozbe send it to the to the person so that and ask them to upload stuff directly to the task instead of forwarding you an email, which is plain text, which is not secure. Also, if security is your own concern, using a task with an email address is a secure way to go.
Okay. Do you want to add anything? Do you have any other ideas? » I mean, I have so many more. » Yeah, I know. » I have so many more. Last week, when I was showing the vlog, it was really funny. It was so funny that people who are live with me were like, “Oh, Michael, but what did you do with the comments here?” So for example, the one last thing before we wrap up comments, I blew people’s minds. So everyone listening now, open any task and then tap in a comment as if you wanted to write a comments to this task. And then look around. Comments in Nozbe, they are plain text, but they have so many options. There is an option to attach attachments. If you paste a YouTube link, it embeds the YouTube video, so you can have the video embedded. Also, you can link to any other task, or project, or any other view in Nozbe directly from the comment. You can add a checklist in comment. So like really, if you want to take one thing from this podcast, this episode is even just looking at the comments, like how we added there, so many cool features in the comments, and we will be adding more. It’s already, like you can send much better comments to your peers just using the formatting there, and especially linking. I mean, when I showed somebody that you can link, you know, add a task, like link a task in the comment. And then later, I completed the other task and it showed that the task was completed. People were blown away. So if you don’t know what I’m doing, play with it. Add links to the comments and you’ll see how this goes. So really, like there’s so many small quirks and features of Nozbe and more are coming to make sure that once you start using Nozbe proficiently, you can, you keep discovering new ways to make it even better and even more efficient for you. - But I also would like to warn people that not to exaggerate and not to go too much into administrating tasks, using those tags and colors and small end recurrence and millions of stuff because, you know, you are supposed to work and not administrate your tasks, so don’t exaggerate. Yes, but maybe on a Friday, so when this episode shows up on Friday in your podcast app, maybe then when you listen to us, dedicate some time on Friday to go through our help pages, it’s Nozbe .help, where you can just read about so many of the things. We We have animations showing you how things work. When you click on things, it’s very well done, very well documented. So make sure to check it out. And if you’re not a Nozbe user, if you’re somehow listening to this and you haven’t tried Nozbe or you have tried Nozbe, but you gave up on it or it wasn’t to your liking then, now Nozbe is really gaining momentum and we really like launched like cool features. We have messages now in Osby. Make sure to check it out and you can use a special link to get 30 bucks of credits or if you’re in the UK, 30 pounds of credits or if you’re in Europe, then 30 euros of credits. So make sure to use our link and let me show you how it’s done. And with that, thank you and hear you one more time before Christmas in two weeks. Bye, thanks for… Thank you for being an amazing listener of the NoOffice podcast. Every other Wednesday we meet to talk about productivity and hybrid lifestyle because we believe that work is not a place to go. It’s a thing to do. It’s a special gift only to NoOffice podcast listeners. When you sign up for Nozbe using this link, Nozbe .com /podcast, you’ll get 30 bucks of credits, which you can use to upgrade to Nozbe Premium. Nozbe helps thousands of smart business owners and their teams get their professional and private life organized in a single app in a simple way. And Nozbe is free for up to three active projects and three people on your team. So start today and claim your free bonus credits, which you will later need to upgrade to unlimited projects. Once again, thank you for being an amazing listener. Thanks for your support and for spreading the word about our NoOffice podcast and Nozbe. See you and hear you in the next episode and in the meantime, claim your bonus credits here.