This is an amazing testimonial we have received from Mr. Juan Antonio Dominion - a fantastic Nozbe user. He wrote it to let us know he appreciates our work and support. Thanks to moments like these, we love what we do even more!
Here goes the story:
Dinosaurs and Franklin Planners I have been around since the dinosaur ages of Project and Task Management, since before people “got things done” and muddled along with paper planners and things called “pens” and “pencils”.
- written by Michael Sliwinski, Nozbe CEO & Editor of Productive! Magazine
We recently released 19. edition of Productive! Magazine. As you know, we do it regularly and our purpose is to share knowledge, practical advice and inspirations with our readers to keep you all going and help you get things done.
In this issue you’ll find an interview I did with Chris Brogan, best selling author and Publisher/CEO of Owner Magazine, where we talk about freaks taking over the world, Chris' love for business, not for tools and his professional plans: