Nozbe users come from all professions and backgrounds: from teachers and students, house-wifes through managers and entrepreneurs. So far, we have presented you with solutions for doctors, real-estate agents and [lawyers] law. This article is intended for students.
The background
We all are or were students at some point in our lives. Life of a student can be exciting, demanding and challenging. Depending on area of study, the mixture of the three can vary. I wish I had Nozbe during my studies. I was a double major, with two part-time positions plus steady involvement in student council and theater… But those were the times of pen and paper and your own memory.
Basic focus areas
From the time perspective, I would divide students and therefore their use of Nozbe essentially by the year of study. Although I’m sure some high-school students are here, I would rather concentrate on the college students.
Possible application
For college students getting grasp of all of their studying, reading and writing can be quite challenging even without extracurricular activities such as the ones I had during my years at the university.
Projects and labels
If I were to use Nozbe now; as I wish I had back then and how I plan to use it again (as I’ve recently enrolled as undergrad at a university); I think I would start by thinking of my ultimate goal aka. associate, baccalaureate or master degree.
That would serve as my main label or category for projects. And I know for a fact that some projects can start as early as the 1st year and continue until you have actually received your degree.
Other labels would be my areas of studies, be it your major or just a group of subjects e.g. like ‘Econ’ would be my label for all the economics related course. Some might be eager to inquire “then what will serve as my projects?”.
A simple answer is: your classes.
For instance, in my current schedule I have 6 subjects: History of Legal system in Poland, General history of legislature, Principles of the Roman Law, Economics, Legal Logic, Legalese English. Those are my projects right there. I want to finish each of them with positive outcome in form of a good grade, right?
Within each project I would of course have number of types of files and tasks. I would not hesitate to use categories to group those across all of them. For instance, though I might need to buy or borrow book for various classes and seminars, essentially my categories would be:
“book-store” and/or “library”.
Books would be my tasks added to numerous project (= classes). When at book-store, I would simply click on the category and see all the names of books and authors I need to buy. Same thing goes for the library, although here the tasks would be cyclical depending on for how long I need to use the library copy of a given book so that I remember to return the books on time.
Syllabuses would be another group of materials/tasks that I would need to load and keep in mind for each of the subject. In today’s world you simply go on-line and download them all from student portals. In the old times, it would mean scanning away like mad (Category: Syllabus).
Third bunch of tasks would simply be contacts for my professors for each class and the lecture room where the class usually takes place (Category: Logistics).
By far the largest group of tasks that are constantly changing are the assignments. It would be actually most healthy for you to simply write them down directly into Nozbe as they come in, instead of waiting to get out of class, but here much depends on your professors. Some do not allow tablets or smart-phones in their classrooms (Category: Assignements).
And the last aspect of it all… the research. There is virtually no class for which you would not need it. Sometimes all you need to do is run down to a library and get a book, but other times it is vast search over the Internet, libraries and other sources… here also this great little plugin made by Marcus Platt can come in very hand.
Those are of course just some basics of how a student may use Nozbe. Some food for thoughts. There are many possibilities, perhaps one of which you will be kind to share here for benefit of others.
Written by Delfina (Nozbe Support - CHO - Chief Happiness Officer)