In case you missed it, me, Michael Sliwinski, Nozbe’s founder and CEO together with Radek, our VP of Apple Technologies (and the guy responsible for our Apple Watch app) started an audio podcast called “The Podcast” because we wanted to chat about things we care about: gadgets, technology, business and productivity.
Now, after 8 episodes I think we started getting into the grove and making it a better show with each new episode, and in time we started talking a lot more about productivity than we previously anticipated. So if you listen to our first episodes, we’d talk more about technology and Apple Watch… but starting from episode 5, we’d also throw in a lot more productivity into the mix, which you might find interesting. As an example, we discussed and extensively tested my Uschedule + Pomodoro Technique using Nozbe templates.
8 Episodes to date, every Wednesday a new one (that’s tomorrow!)
We also settled on a regular recording time - we’re recoring every Friday and publishing every Wednesday, so please subscribe through iTunes if you want to get the newest one tomorrow.
Here’s the list of our episodes to date (in descending order):
- #8: Accidental Lego Podcast - Yes, we love lego, biking and we test Unschedule technique
- #7: Too cool for an intro - Meta-podcasting, advice on company-wide reunions, focus at work.
- #6: Unschedule your day - Stand-up desk, Pomodoro+Unschedule technique, Apple Watch tips
- #5: That’s how you treat them? - Our rant about open offices and advantages of remote work
- #4: The content is entertaining enough - Reflecting on our podcast and… consistency
- #3: Personal blogs will drown in here - Digital publishing, RSS, Remag and magazines
- #2: Two Apple Watches that don’t belong to us - Thoughts on Apple Watch, Apple WWDC news
- #1: Introduction - Who we are, why we started this podcast, what’s new?
I think our best episode to date is number 5, so if you’re new to our podcast and are interested in productivity, I’d suggest you listen to the first episode to get to know us better and then directly go to fifth and pick it up from there. Of course if you do listen to each of our episodes, we’d really appreciate it :-) Each one is around 45 minutes.
You can subscribe through RSS or iTunes or just go to our podcast site and play direcly in your browser.
Please let us know in the comments below if you like this podcast idea (and if you do, please share it with friends!)
Please give us your most honest feedback, what you like, what you don’t, what you want more of, less of… we’re still new to this and apart from just chatting, we’d love to provide you with as much value as possible.
Thanks for listening!
(written by Michael Sliwinski, founder of Nozbe)