As a virtual assistant, you want to manage your time, resources, and communication with clients and contractors smoothly so you can accomplish all your assignments on the dot. The best task management software is what you need.
- How Virtual Assistants Get Better Organized
- How Virtual Assistants Can Improve Project Management
- How Virtual Assistants Can Boost Productivity And Do More In Less Time -Effective Communication In Virtual Assistant Job
- Does A Virtual Assistant Need Project Management & Collaboration Software
Your strongest points in the virtual assistant role are your organizational and coordination skills. You want to ensure your clients have the job done efficiently, and you don’t have to do it all alone!
How Virtual Assistants Get Better Organized
The key is to have everything:
- under one roof - in one productivity app,
- neatly arranged in projects & tasks,
- grouped and connected by tags.
Highly productive people always know where to put and find things they need.
If you have projects dedicated to certain aspects of your business or to specific clients or jobs, you will know where to upload related documents, comments, reports, and where to search for the latest tasks assigned to you. Having everything organized in one place saves you time and takes away much of your everyday stress.
How it works in practice
You create a “Client ABC” project and invite your client to this shared project in a simple project management tool. You add tasks necessary to complete this project or ask your client to do it. In Nozbe, everyone can add tasks via email or directly in the app on their smartphone, tablet, or computer.
You can add a deadline to each task to ensure everything is done on time.
To plan your workweek, you can set the time needed parameter and a reminder before the deadline.
You can communicate with your client in the task comments by writing to each other as if you were using a popular chat. You can attach files, pictures, and documents.
If you need someone’s attention, just @mention them in a comment, and they get notified.
How Virtual Assistants Can Improve Project Management
A project can be anything you need to accomplish or take care of, and tasks are the following steps you need to take to stay on track. When tackling a project, it’s good to visualize the outcome first and carefully plan what needs to be done.
When you plan, you gather the information necessary to make well-rounded, thoughtful choices. You’re aware of the challenges and risks, which helps you make better decisions each step of the way. Planning also strips a lot of the uncertainty and offers more peace of mind.
Becoming aware of your time is critical when it comes to planning your days or weeks. You need to be sure how much time you need to allocate toward a task so that you can find a corresponding amount of time on your calendar and schedule it. The exact process will work for teams.
Prioritizing tasks is also essential. If you don’t regularly prioritize, you will likely follow a natural tendency to concentrate on the easy jobs first, which obviously delays the more complicated tasks. Re-evaluating the project’s priorities also helps you find and tackle any challenges that could hinder on-time delivery.
How Virtual Assistants Can Boost Productivity And Do More In Less Time
By planning your day reasonably. Proper planning is the secret to peak productivity. Set your goals daily and prioritize your tasks in order to spend your time on really important ones. If you know exactly what you have to do and the timeframe you want to complete it in, you’ll be well on your way to getting your priority tasks to the finish line.
By batching similar tasks together to complete them in one time period. The primary purpose of this strategy is to avoid context switching and mentally jumping back and forth between tasks.
By freeing your mind from remembering everything in order to focus on the task at hand… Because being focused while executing a task definitely speeds up the work. If you have a million things on your plate, no wonder they keep popping up into your head. Even if you manage to get rid of them, other things will pop up, and the nagging will start all over. Unburden your mind from trying to remember everything - use a productivity system that will do it for you.
By looking for a way to automate processes that repeat regularly. You can automate work by creating templates or automation. Project templates in Nozbe save you time and effort. You can create project templates to copy existing workflows you use repeatedly and skip the humdrum routine of recreating stuff that has already been made or written up. Templates also give you and your team confidence that you don’t miss any steps. You don’t have to remember all the procedures and rely on your memory - the system will do it for you.
By finding tools that will help. Use tools and techniques to help you get the most out of your work. Break down your big goals into small, easy tasks, and use a timer to keep yourself focused. You can also take short breaks to refresh your mind and come back stronger than before.
Effective Communication In Virtual Assistant Job
To get tasks you get from your client done, you need a full set of information. Feedback and clarification on the way are useful too. To encourage effective communication and not get hindered by chaotic phone calls, chat messages and dozens of email threads, go for task-based, asynchronous communication.
This communication model is great because:
- It lets you and your team work in blocks of uninterrupted focus time.
- You have a record of what’s been said, expected, and shared in one safe place.
- It gives people a chance to think before responding (immediate answers aren’t always your best ones).
- This way, you can communicate with members in multiple time zones.
Does A Virtual Assistant Need Project Management & Collaboration Software?
More and more busy entrepreneurs hire virtual assistants to complete some jobs and free up time to focus on their core business strategy. However, there is this fear that hiring and managing a virtual assistant can cost more time and resources than the results are worth. That’s why every virtual assistant should be able to guarantee their clients smooth cooperation, effective communication, and efficiency in getting tasks done.
These considerations are why you should implement best practices and procedures and employ the best systems to work with clients. If you follow tried-and-tested processes and collaboration tools in managing your client’s projects, you can empower both your clients and your business to succeed.
Productivity and collaboration software tools give the solution to both parties - clients and VA: projects & tasks, planning, contact management, team collaboration, and reporting, and many more that makes the project easy to manage and complete and to collaborate with the ideas.
What Is The Best Productivity And Project Management Tool For Virtual Assistants?
Nozbe is what you need! It is the best project management tool that’s super simple to use. It enables you and your client to store all the files, tasks, due dates, and discussions within the appropriate project. You want to use it for everything from ongoing, open-ended projects (i.e., marketing, accounting, etc.) to one-time, fixed-date goals (i.e., event organization, product release, website creation, etc.). Most virtual assistants get the hang of the app quickly and use it with all their clients.