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4 Factors Slowing Your Business Growth & How to Solve Them


The future looks bright for today’s small businesses. According to Capital One’s most recent Small Business Growth Index, optimism is at a record high, with 67 percent of small businesses viewing conditions as “good or excellent.” 65 percent of those surveyed cite business growth as the reason behind their enthusiasm, followed by national economic conditions and improved business operations.

How I Got My Startup off the Ground


Today, it is possible for all of us to create an online website and start earning money. With such attractive possibilities, there’s hardly anyone who hasn’t thought about it, creating a startup and making a fortune. After all, it sounds so easy.

How Are AI and Bots Changing Project Management?


Can you believe that artificial intelligence and bots will soon revolutionize the world of project management? Any time now, we’ll all have access to systems that can perform day-to-day management and administration tasks without any human input. A scary thought… or an exciting one? Read on to see how AI will change the way we all work.

Your Essential Guide To Team Productivity


If you are about to start using Nozbe not only as your personal project management tool but also as a team collaboration booster, read on.

8 Tips You Should Know For Writing A Procedure


Writing a good procedure will keep yourself and your team on track for meeting your goals in an orderly and standardized way. Read on to learn how to do it.

7 Ways You Can Become an Uber Productive Lawyer


Lawyers often find themselves so inundated with tasks that they question why they became a lawyer in the first place. The salary can be lucrative, but the work is hard. Many lawyers feel as though they’d benefit from an extra set of hands and an extra set of eyes just to get through the day to day. If you need some productivity help on your way to becoming the best lawyer you can be, you’re not alone. It doesn’t require a miracle – it’s just a little restructuring.

9 Important Cybersecurity Tips to Increase Your Business’ Productivity in 2019


Productivity is the key to success. Whether you run a business, work for one, or simply work freelance, you will find that productivity plays a crucial role in the success of your work. When we think of productivity, however, we never seem to consider the importance of digital- or cybersecurity.

There are plenty of ways that cybersecurity can boost productivity, both on an individual basis and across businesses and organizations. When practicing cybersecurity to improve your productivity, you are protecting both your work and yourself—it’s a win-win situation!

7 Workspace Changes to Boost Your Team’s Productivity


You can have the best intentions in the world, but you won’t get very far if your environment is working against those intentions. Productivity requires an environment that allows people to get things done. Making a few small modifications to your work environment can keep everyone moving forward with the maximum amount of momentum.

Why Your Team Isn’t Getting Things Done (And How to Change It)


Ah, productivity. It can be the bane of our existence. Whether your team works remotely or in-house, when your team isn’t on the ball, productivity suffers, morale drops, and revenue goes down.

Worst of all, stuff piles up so that everyone becomes more frustrated and even less motivated. Working on your own productivity is one thing. But how the heck do you make a whole team more productive so that stuff gets done?

Office Ergonomics: Fostering a Happier and Healthier Workplace


Most office-based employees will be able to recognise how their working environments influence their health and wellbeing. This is where office ergonomics come in.