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Messages in Nozbe - All Your Team’s Communication in One App


Nozbe is a productivity app and its simple interface of projects, tasks and comments that works across all your devices, is very action-focused. We didn’t want to introduce additional distractions or promote spending time on chatting instead of getting the actual work. We realized, though, how cool it could be to have all of your team communication in one place. On any device. And so we figured out how to introduce Messages the Nozbe way.

How to Plan Your Podcast Recording - A Step by Step Guide by Chris Kolacz


However interesting your podcast episodes are, recording a podcast is a repetitive procedure. Planning, producing and promoting first podcast episode usually involves the same steps as for the second and fifth, so writing it all out again every time would be a painful waste of time. Check out a list of steps - a project template - prepared by Chris Kołacz, the author of a Polish podcast, Bo Czemu Nie.

Top 10 AI Tools That Boost Productivity


The rapid advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) technology have paved the way for solutions that can enhance your workflow and maximize productivity. We present top 10 free or low-cost AI-powered tools that will not only boost your efficiency but also empower you and your team to focus on working with clients and doing other things the AI can’t do… YET.

How to Stay Organized and Maximize Your Time as a Software Developer


Software developers earn some of the highest wages in the country. OK, but it’s not without its challenges. The landscape is marked by intense competition. The relentless evolution of technology creates significant pressure to continually upskill, innovate, and deliver.

Nozbe’s Simple Structure: Projects > Tasks > Comments


Check out how a simple project and task management app works even for the most complex projects. Your team wants simple tools, not overwhelming platform they will never get a hang of.

Best Software For Virtual Assistants - Productivity Blog


As a virtual assistant, you want to manage your time, resources, and communication with clients and contractors smoothly so you can accomplish all your assignments on the dot. The best task management software is what you need.

13 Tips For Planning The Perfect Vacation


Here are some practical tips that will help you plan your holiday. Check out what to think about and how to organize your vacation to keep it stress-free, exciting and safe.

The Most Frequent Energy Thieves And How To Deal With Them


Either at our job or in our private life, we are always surrounded by energy thieves that break our balance. They work underground, so the stealing is hard to perceive. Let’s dive into the most frequent types of behaviors that steal people’s energy.

7 Steps To Increasing Everyday Productivity


Learn 7 essential techniques that will help you be more productive at work, achieve your goals, work smarter and save time for what you like to do. You’ll be surprised how simple it is!

A Glance at the Nozbe Work Culture: Yes, We Are Unicorns


If you think that an ideal work environment doesn’t exist, then you probably don’t know what it’s like to work for Nozbe. The values that we follow in our company’s day-to-day operations also significantly influence the way our apps function. Read on to learn how to develop a great work culture in your company!