From October 1st to 4th, our customer support may slow down due to the company reunion that is taking place during these days. Thank you for your understanding❤️
New To Do - the official Nozbe Siri Shortcut for iOS, Mac & Apple Watch
As the founder of Nozbe and an #iPadOnly advocate, I rely on Shortcuts to streamline my workflow on iOS. In this post, I’ll introduce the “New To Do” Shortcut for Nozbe, which makes adding tasks quick, easy, and more efficient using Siri or automation.
Why Batching Work and Tasks is Good for Your Productivity
Imagine this: instead of switching between writing a report, making a phone call, and checking emails, you group all phone calls together, batch your emails, and set aside dedicated time to focus on writing.
Contexts or Tags - How to Work Smarter By Batching Tasks - No Office ep. 49
See how batching tasks in contexts will skyrocket your productivity. Follow Michael Sliwinski’s advice and see how your work gets better organized.
From Email Overload to Efficient Collaboration
See how to organize your inbox and email communication and how to deal with incoming messages to be more effective, productive and safe. Also check how to integrate Nozbe with your email inbox.
How to Use Email Productively - No Office ep. 48
See how to organize your inbox and email communication and how to deal with incoming messages to be more effective, productive and safe
Enhance Your Project Tracking with Status Tasks in Nozbe
Nozbe is a simple app you can use in many ways and contexts. Even though it isn’t packed with complex features, you can still manage your team and get your work done efficiently in a joyful manner. Today, let’s focus on following progress in projects in Nozbe.
Revolutionary Feature in Nozbe: Messages - NoOffice podcast ep. 47
You’ve got to listined to this episode if you want to know how Michael came up and tested with Messages in Nozbe and how is this new feature in Nozbe.
Messages in Nozbe - All Your Team’s Communication in One App
Nozbe is a productivity app and its simple interface of projects, tasks and comments that works across all your devices, is very action-focused. We didn’t want to introduce additional distractions or promote spending time on chatting instead of getting the actual work. We realized, though, how cool it could be to have all of your team communication in one place. On any device. And so we figured out how to introduce Messages the Nozbe way.
How to Improve the Quality of Your Customer Service
At Nozbe, our own app helps us run the company effectively and efficiently. We use it not only for internal communication and product development but also to take the best care of our clients and provide the highest level of service.