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Nozbe Pricing Changes


Unveil the secrets of Nozbe pricing adjustments - see how we kept our valued customers while raising prices. Join the CEO of Nozbe on his journey and discover the strategies behind it.

10 Tips to Improve Productivity & Profitability In A Small Law Firm


Running a small law firm can be challenging, but it can also be very rewarding. As a small law firm owner, you want to provide your clients with the best possible service while also being productive and profitable. In this blog post, we will share 10 tips to help you improve productivity and profitability for your small law firm. These tips are designed to be simple and actionable, so you can start implementing them right away.

Nozbe 16th Birthday 🎉


🎉 Today marks the “sweet sixteen” birthday 🎂 of Nozbe - a to-do app that I launched on my own way back on February 1, 2007 from my small rented apartment in Warsaw, Poland. 🎉

Best Software For Virtual Assistants - Productivity Blog


As a virtual assistant, you want to manage your time, resources, and communication with clients and contractors smoothly so you can accomplish all your assignments on the dot. The best task management software is what you need.

The Most Frequent Energy Thieves And How To Deal With Them


Either at our job or in our private life, we are always surrounded by energy thieves that break our balance. They work underground, so the stealing is hard to perceive. Let’s dive into the most frequent types of behaviors that steal people’s energy.

10 Reasons Why Teams Fail and How to Address Them


Here are 10 reasons why “teamwork” may not be bringing about success. Dangers lurk everywhere and can result from who your team members are, how the team is being managed, and what habits people follow. Read this article to avoid any surprises.

6 Remote Work Productivity Metrics You Should Be Tracking


Tracking productivity is an essential aspect of running a business. Whether you have a small close-knit team or a growing team with remote members, productivity can make or break a company. However, productivity isn’t always based on the motivation or effort put in from your employees, and there are a number of different reasons why productivity isn’t as high as it could be.

A Glance at the Nozbe Work Culture: Yes, We Are Unicorns


If you think that an ideal work environment doesn’t exist, then you probably don’t know what it’s like to work for Nozbe. The values that we follow in our company’s day-to-day operations also significantly influence the way our apps function. Read on to learn how to develop a great work culture in your company!

How to Identify and Prevent Burnout at Work


The problem of job burnout is so common that the World Health Organization has decided to include it in the ICD-11 International Classification of Diseases and Health Problems. This way no one can treat burnout as a whim or a drama queen thing anymore. See how to recognize and deal with burnout. The problem may also concern you and your loved ones.

Nonprofit Staff Benefits from Nozbe Pyramid of Communication


As the Covid-19 pandemic shut down much of the US during the 2020-2021 academic year, a faith-based nonprofit in the United States leaned into remote work. Unable to use the co-working space, our team of 4 staffers decided to give “remote-first” a try.