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7 Tips for Improving and Tracking Your Remote Team’s Productivity


8Working with remote teams is becoming more and more common. Organizations can save a great deal of money on taxes and labor costs by hiring staff in different states or countries. But working remotely comes with a number of challenges. Coordinating groups operating in different time zones can be challenging, and communication is also a challenge. Follow these seven tips for improving and tracking your remote team’s productivity.*

How To Effectively Switch To Time & Material Billing


If you run an agency or work as a freelancer you surely know that outsourcing-like agreements can be built upon either the fixed price or the time-and-material model. Selecting one of them can be tricky as well as switching from one to another. Read on to learn everything you need to know on this topic.

NoOffice in practice – why choose to operate without an office and how it works


I’ve been running my company and the Nozbe app for over 11 years without a physical office, just an official address. I’ve hired 25 employees and 12 regular contractors. I’ve been promoting the #NoOffice concept because this is how I live and work myself… and I know it works. In this article, I’d like to delve a little deeper into the #NoOffice working style by outlining some of the reasons for operating without an office and present how this system works from an insider’s perspective.

Uses of Nozbe – the insurance industry


Do you work in the insurance industry (or a related industry) and are wondering how to use Nozbe for collaboration with your clients? In this article, we present methods and solutions that may help insurance agents, as well as other professionals from this industry, increase their effectiveness and work in a more structured manner.

Nifty Productivity Tips for Project Managers


Today, project managers are being asked to run more projects with smaller teams around tight deadlines. These outrageous demands are making it harder for managers to reach project completion. In fact, less than one-third of all projects were successfully completed on time and on budget over the past year.

To pull off a successful project, managers need to master productivity — easier said than done. Juggling between the roles of a creator, manager, team player, strategist, and a leader — being productive is relatively difficult.

The good news it is possible for project managers to master productivity. With these 6 nifty productivity tips, you can get more done in a day without having to break your back — it’s all about working smart.

Ask Michael S04E13: E-mail for collaboration?


We have so many tools for collaboration in our team that e-mail is useless. We haven’t used it for collaboration in years. How do we share information with colleagues, then? Watch the new episode of “Ask Michael” to find out!

Ask Michael S04E09: Trust in a remote team


“Trust is good, but control is better,” they say. Well, Michael says the opposite: control is overvalued, and trust is the key to a focused and effective remote team. Learn why!

Ask Michael S04E03: VIP support for Business


After the introduction of our new pricing, we received some questions about VIP support for our popular Business plan. Now you’ll know better what to expect!

11 years of Nozbe


Exactly 11 years ago today a young aspiring entrepreneur/programmer from a rented apartment in Warsaw, the capital of a country in the Central Europe called Poland, launched a productivity Web 2.0 application inspired by David Allen’s book “Getting Things Done”. That was me, and when I started Nozbe I never even dared to dream that 11 years later I’d be running this amazing company with Nozbe apps for all the major platforms with 0.5M people from all over the world using it… Happy Birthday Nozbe! You just turned 11 and as your founder I’m writing this post to give everyone a little more detail of where we came from and where we’re going in the coming months and years. Here goes:

How productivity gurus set their goals - practical tips from Nozbe Ambassadors


We asked Nozbe Ambassadors - people who we consider to be productivity gurus and real overachievers - to share some goal-setting tips. See how Chad Garrett, Robby Miles, Mike St. Pierre, Matt Olech and Żaneta Jażdżyk plan their best year ever.