Ask Michael #10: Reference Materials in Completed Tasks

Getting Disciplined: How One Reddit User Achieved Most of His Goals in a Year and a Half

Tracking goals, regular fitness, setting up habits – that’s all possible if you’re motivated and disciplined. We already know this; however, when we read this post on Reddit, we were amazed by the outstanding progress made by the author, therealleotrotsky in a relatively short time!
Since he agreed to publish his achievements on our Blog, we’re proud to share his words. Read, get inspired and follow his determination :)
Meet Marc Woodland: how the Winbox team achieves goals with Nozbe

We’d like to introduce you to Marc Woodland – the founder and CEO of Winbox, a specialist email marketing company for small and medium-sized businesses. As a team, Winbox uses a setup of apps to help them on daily basis. Read how Marc manages clients with Nozbe!
About Marc
Marc is one of those business founders who succeeded by responding to the need of a market they already know and belong to. As a marketing guy, he knew that small companies need a reliable, non-spamming and easy-to-use email sender. And that’s where Winbox comes in! For us, the best part of the story is that Nozbe has been one piece of the puzzle and helped the Winbox team to manage their projects.
Meet Nozbe users - Brian Talty and his organizing headers

We can learn a lot from specific, real-life use cases. Check out how Brian negotiates with himself using task headers.
Meet Brian
I am a Christian Pastor at First Christian Church in Decatur, IL.
My journey with task management began with Stephen Covey’s “7 habits of highly effective people” in college; and then was further honed by David Allen’s “Getting Things Done” several years ago.
Productivity ideas from Erik Fisher - the host of the Beyond the To-Do List podcast

“I ultimately knew I wanted to have conversations with people” - Erik Fisher
After talking to Erik Fisher on his Beyond the To-Do List podcast, Michael (our CEO) thought it would be great to present the BTTDL host to the whole Nozbe community.
Here is the outcome: a great interview on productivity essentials and Erik’s methods for planning and staying on top of things.
Spare less than 15 minutes of your time and learn:
How do you use Nozbe? Interview with Mike St. Pierre

Meet Nozbe users - Robby Miles, the founder of the Mission Mindset

Some time ago, we introduced you one of Nozbe power-users: Jeff Sanders. Today, we would like you to meet another fantastic member of Nozbe community: Robby Miles.
About Robby - a busy guy from North Idaho :-)
Robby is a husband, a dad of four, a college prep teacher, a freelance writer, and an Officer in the Army National Guard. After hours, he runs a Mission Mindset project to help people like himself stay on top of things.
He says:
I’m from North Idaho. Up here productivity means getting the right things accomplished. And this can only be done through simplicity and focus.
Robby’s goals
Robby is convinced that only by using practical systems you can create focus for the missions that matter (putting your priorites first)… And he helps you with that by providing you the exact templates and systems busy parents and students may use to create focus, overcome distraction, and get back hours of quality time each day.
Nozbe for Android - speed, widgets and even more to come!

Hello Android users! We need to talk. Some of you might feel a bit left out due to our latest Nozbe for Apple Watch release and other tight Nozbe iOS integrations which we recently launched. I get that. But it doesn’t mean that we don’t love our Android users! We do! To prove it to you we decided to get back to work and deliver some exciting new features which will change the way you use Nozbe on you Android device.
Android widget
We heard you loud and clear - Android users need to have Nozbe widget that looks and works great. For the last couple of weeks, we’ve been working very hard on exactly that - Android widget that saves time and thus helps you be more productive. Just take a look:
Nozbe is coming to the Watch on your wrist - the most personal project management tool ever :-)