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How do you use Nozbe? Interview with Mike St. Pierre

Nozbe If you are looking for a new source of inspiration and trustful productivity tips for 2016, Mike St. Pierre and his blog are your solution. Mike St. Pierre is a blogger, host of “The Emergent Leader Podcast”, the Executive Director of the Catholic Campus Ministry Association and a father of 4 children. As you might guess, he uses Nozbe to get organized with all his projects. As an active user, Mike wrote a comprehensive Nozbe 2.

Meet Nozbe users - Robby Miles, the founder of the Mission Mindset


Some time ago, we introduced you one of Nozbe power-users: Jeff Sanders. Today, we would like you to meet another fantastic member of Nozbe community: Robby Miles.

About Robby - a busy guy from North Idaho :-)

Robby is a husband, a dad of four, a college prep teacher, a freelance writer, and an Officer in the Army National Guard. After hours, he runs a Mission Mindset project to help people like himself stay on top of things.

He says:

I’m from North Idaho. Up here productivity means getting the right things accomplished. And this can only be done through simplicity and focus.

Robby’s goals

Robby is convinced that only by using practical systems you can create focus for the missions that matter (putting your priorites first)… And he helps you with that by providing you the exact templates and systems busy parents and students may use to create focus, overcome distraction, and get back hours of quality time each day.

How to learn a foreign language with Nozbe


Did you know that Nozbe can help you build a new habit? Let’s take learning a foreign language as an example. Who wouldn’t like to speak an extra one, huh? Say… French…

Before you start

Scientific researches have found certain mechanisms that rule the process of creating a habit. Based on that, we can formulate a couple of tips that will help you take off.

  1. Set a big goal - have your vision of what you want to achieve and why. Talk to yourself for a while and make sure that learning a new language is something you really want and need.

  2. Make it so easy you can’t say no.Leo Babauta - start approaching your big goal with tiny steps. Try setting the tasks easy enough so that you can get it done without motivation (that is kind of moody and differs depending on a day, weather and other circumstances.)

  3. Building sticky habits is a lot easier if you make use of the routines you already have rather than try to fight or modify them. It’s good to build your plan around triggers that will let you know that it’s time to work on your habit, e.g.: after I get up and have a glass of water I learn French.

  4. When you fail, get back on track as quickly as possible. Don’t worry! Missing your habit once or twice, no matter at what stage it occurs, has no serious impact on your long-term progress. Instead of trying to be perfect, be good and compassionate to yourself. You’re doing a great job!

OK. Once you know the rules, let’s get to work :)

To comment, or not to comment. That is the question.


I believe everyone knows there are comments to tasks in Nozbe. Yet, it seems not all see a point in that. Therefore a question - to comment or not to comment - arises.

All about comments

Most of us are aware of the definition and the basic use as per instructions found on Nozbe Help Page. Their principal function is to facilitate communication on issues relevant to a given task within a team.

And that’s just great. Once your team gets disciplined about it, the function can replace emailing almost entirely and thus save much time.

Attachments that can be added to comments are a great way of speeding up your work and storing relevant reference materials in order to make everything clear.

You can also email tasks already with comments to Nozbe or add comments via email at later time.

That’s all great, you may say, but what is the point then of this post? Well… here it is:

Alternative uses of comments - notes

One of the most obvious secondary uses are simply notes. If you do not share the project with anyone, or even when you do, you might wish to add things to your own tasks.. in that case they become your notes.

How to work with your partner to get your goals done in Nozbe

Hope you’re on the right track with your goals for 2015! In the last blogpost, we presented a short video about how to get your goals done in Nozbe - did you like it? Have you planned your goals yet? Since my last email we’ve improved the video to make it easier to follow - make sure to watch it again! Did you know that as a Nozbe PRO user you can create an additional Nozbe account for your partner absolutely free?

How to get your New Year’s Goals done

What if I tell you it’s still not too late to make this year your best yet? We’re approaching the end of January. According to research, most of us have already forgotten about our New Year’s resolutions… but I believe we can still get them done! Nozbe is here to help! Watch this short 1-minute video: [10 steps to getting your goals done:][goals] Learn how to achieve your goals…

How the CEO of Nozbe uses… Nozbe

Nozbe People have been asking me how I use the application. Well, here goes. First and foremost, we don’t use e-mails in our company. Our team consists of 15 people and we all work remotely. We only use e-mail to communicate with the customers and other people sending us e-mails with questions or offers. Inside the company - we just share projects and delegate tasks. We simply communicate through tasks and comments in Nozbe.

Uses of Nozbe - Teachers

Nozbe Nozbe users come from all professions and backgrounds. So far, we have presented you with solutions for doctors, real-estate agents, [lawyers] law and students. This article is intended for elementary and high school teachers. The background My experience has lead me to believe that planning by teachers can be difficult. It is a very complex issue, as it depends greatly on many factors. That’s one of the reasons why I have decided to divide the post into consecutive two: teachers and professors.

Uses of Nozbe - Teachers

Nozbe Nozbe users come from all professions and backgrounds. So far, we have presented you with solutions for doctors, real-estate agents, [lawyers] law and students. This article is intended for elementary and high school teachers. The background My experience has lead me to believe that planning by teachers can be difficult. It is a very complex issue, as it depends greatly on many factors. That’s one of the reasons why I have decided to divide the post into consecutive two: teachers and professors.

How to manage your team in Nozbe

Nozbe When using Nozbe with other people, in a “team” environment, we can divide Nozbe users into 2 groups that we can conventionally name: “owners” and “cooperators”. The “owners” are those who own the multi-user account in Nozbe and can add people to their own team. The number of team members depends on the plan the “owner” decided to pay for. The “cooperators” are people who have been invited to the team by an “owner” - they can have their own projects but have fewer prerogatives than “owners” when it comes to team management.