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PomoDone and Nozbe can work together!


Great news for all time tracking enthusiasts: PomoDone, one of the leading apps on the market, can now track your time spent on tasks! Read how it works and how to get a free month of PomoDone 🙂

Ask Michael S04E23: How to stay in good shape


In the last episode of this season, Michael offers advice on how to maintain a healthy life despite being busy with work and responsibilities. It’s totally worth it to follow!

Ask Michael S04E22: Nozbe for individuals


You are not alone – it’s our motto. You may get your work done with other people. It’s fine, however, to keep all your projects private and manage them individually. Nozbe gives you all the tools you need to work independently!

Ask Michael S04E21: David Allen


Michael made his dream come true and met David Allen in person in 2007. Listen to his story, and learn what it can mean for you!

Deep Work — What It Is and How to Implement It In Your Life


Distractions are a killer. In fact, studies have been done on this, and they show that the average worker losers 759 hours a year to distractions. That’s 759 hours of your life that could have taken you closer to goals and dreams that could change your life. It’s crazy, and it’s going to be a wake-up call to many.

Ask Michael S04E20: Schedule rhythm


Is Pomodoro effective? What are the alternatives? That’s all in today’s episode of “Ask Michael”!

Waiting for what?


Are you waiting for a data sheet to be delivered by your subordinates? Are you waiting for a daunting task that has been in the air for a while, but your boss keeps procrastinating to delegate and specify? Are you waiting for a colleague’s response as to whether he/she would like to participate in your project? Are you waiting for the brand-new headphones that you ordered recently?

If some of those sound familiar to you, you may have some things on you plate, or rather on someone else’s plate, and this is the key here.

Ask Michael S04E18: Beginning with GTD


How long does it take to switch to GTD? And where do you start?

Ask Michael S04E17: Batching


Batching in productivity means grouping similar tasks and getting them done at a certain time, one after another. Why is that better than doing them separately? Michael has the answer!

iPadOnly – from experiment, to a book, to a lifestyle


A long, long time ago (it’s been almost six years!) I started using my iPad not only for consuming content but also for work. It started off as an experiment on April 8th, 2012, after I picked up my newly ordered white iPad 3 with Retina display, 3G and ZaggKeys Flex Bluetooth keyboard.

Initially, I wanted to give it a 30-day trial to see whether I could change the way I work by completing about 80% of my tasks on the iPad. Although that iPad was based on iOS6 (with all the limitations of that operating system), the experiment turned out to be a success. From that moment on, I didn’t want to go back to my old mode of working. I even convinced my friend Augusto Pinaud, who also uses his iPad for work, to write a book together with me. That’s how, a year later, on July 12th, 2013, the book “#iPadOnly – The first real post-PC book. How to use only your iPad to work, play and everything in between” was created.