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New Nozbe Features - Filters, Widget & more


We keep trying to convince everyone that asycnhronous communication, writing things down and simple yet effective tools are key to productivity - both personal and in a team. Because we believe in this so much, we regularly add features that make it easier. Watch this episode of our product vlog and check them out!

Pros and Cons of #iPadOnly Work- The No Office Podcast, ep. 30


Have you thought of working only on your iPad? Using iPad as your only or main computer? Watch this episode to see if such an approach is effective for everyone and how to tackle it.

Working across time zones - The No Office Podcast, ep. 29


Are you planning to join an international dispersed team? Or maybe going to live on a different continent for some time? See how to handle the time difference and other consequences of working in a different time zone than the rest of your team.

Unleash like a PRO - The No Office Podcast, ep. 28


Back in their home offices, our hosts are being very smart 🤓 about the latest Apple event. See what they think of a new MacBook PRO, new AirPods and new M1 chips.

Company retreat & team bonding - The No Office 2 Podcast, ep. 1


After a short break we’re back with the 2nd season of the No Office podcast. After a long covid-19-related break we could finally organize a non-virtual company retreat. This episode is recorded live, straight from our company meeting at the Polish seaside. Join us and learn some of our impressions and tips.

Nozbe New Features: API, hashtags, bulk edit…


The Nozbe app gets more and more powerful tool for entrepreneurs and teams. We keep adding functions that let you reduce the time you spend on work management and do more actual work that will push your projects forward.

Tech gear we use on holidays - The No Office Podcast, ep. 26


🎉 Today we celebrate 1 year of recording this very show and we talked about tech we use on holidays.

Ideas for process & productivity improvement - The No Office Podcast, ep. 25


In this 25th ep. of the No Office podcast we tackle several productivity- and tech-related topics. All of them are pretty practical, so come and watch or listen ASAP.

The iPadOnly Home Office of Augusto Pinaud - The No Office Podcast, ep. 24


In this 24th ep. of the No Office podcast we talk to Augusto Pinaud whose home office set up and productivity tips will make you go woow 😲

Discover Why Small- and Medium-sized Teams Love Using Nozbe apps

Nozbe Come on, don’t be ashamed. We know that sometimes you think to yourself: Why do I need this application after all? All these projects, tasks, effective team cooperation stuff? There are e-mails, chats, there is a notebook… Why complicate things? And why pay if you can have free tools… These are pretty obvious doubts. We get them. After all, millions of people use post-it notes and notebooks, and they work just fine.