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Nozbe Reunion - Masuria (April 08-12, 2019) - customer support slowdown


The entire Nozbe team will soon be meeting in-person for a few days again. This time, our gathering will take place in Stare Jablonki, a picturesque village in Masurian Lake District. As a result, our customer support may slow down at that time. However, we are going to be working hard every day of the reunion to make decisions that will form the future of Nozbe.

A sneak peek of the New Nozbe: The Future of Team Productivity


Today is 04/04, so we’re launching the preview of Nozbe 4 (Nozbe Teams), our new take on team productivity. It is a tool that will help small teams do great things.

After more than three years of work and a few months of internal testing, we’d like to invite some teams to be the first to test our brand new Nozbe 4 (Nozbe Teams) system. If you’re curious about what the future holds for Nozbe, read on:

How I Use Nozbe as a Content Calendar


Most people who create content use a content calendar (an editorial calendar) in some form. Simply put, a content calendar works as a sentinel for controlling the publication process and ensuring that your content appears regularly.

In this post, you’ll learn:

  • How to plan your blog posts ahead of time using Nozbe
  • How to leverage Nozbe categories to track the publication process (blog post status)
  • How to schedule publication
  • How to make writing a priority
  • How to go pro with Nozbe’s hidden functions

At the heart of Nozbe are your projects. And that’s how you begin to create a content calendar…

Data Access - Part 18 of our monthly FAQ series


Welcome back to our FAQ series in which we answer questions that our users ask in their e-mails. This month, we’re discussing data and different levels of access that team members might have in Nozbe. I will try to answer your questions and explain why it is useful to promote some of your users to team or project admins.

Your Essential Guide To Team Productivity


If you are about to start using Nozbe not only as your personal project management tool but also as a team collaboration booster, read on.

8 Tips You Should Know For Writing A Procedure


Writing a good procedure will keep yourself and your team on track for meeting your goals in an orderly and standardized way. Read on to learn how to do it.

Sneak peeks at the Nozbe’s future - The Podcast (January'19)


The Podcast is a weekly conversation between Michael (our CEO) and Radek (Nozbe VP Apple.) In January, our hosts, reveal their successes & failures of 2018, their plans for 2019, and some facts about the future of Nozbe.

7 Ways You Can Become an Uber Productive Lawyer


Lawyers often find themselves so inundated with tasks that they question why they became a lawyer in the first place. The salary can be lucrative, but the work is hard. Many lawyers feel as though they’d benefit from an extra set of hands and an extra set of eyes just to get through the day to day. If you need some productivity help on your way to becoming the best lawyer you can be, you’re not alone. It doesn’t require a miracle – it’s just a little restructuring.

How to achieve your personal and business goals with Nozbe - Video tutorials


Forget New Year’s Resolutions in 2019 and instead focus on accomplishing your goals.

Well-defined goals help you create a vision to work towards so you can get better results. Otherwise, you’ll be working hard to fulfill others’ objectives, not your own.

What gets measured and planned gets done… so set your targets, track your progress and easily achieve what you’ve planned this year.

With Nozbe, setting goals and working towards achieving them is easy and fun. Just see for yourself:

The definite guide to annual review and the bull**it jobs - The Podcast (December 2018)


The Podcast is a weekly conversation between Michael (our CEO) and Radek (Nozbe VP Apple.) In December, our hosts, discuss one of their favorite topics: #ipadonly lifestyle, then they analyze the David Graeber’s book “Bullshit Jobs: A Theory” and get you their ultimate tips to annual review. Read on, choose your episode and get some great insight.