See how to get reminded, informed, and updated about your tasks in Nozbe. Check out the magic of the Incoming view and have Nozbe do and remember things for you.
See how to get reminded, informed, and updated about your tasks in Nozbe. Check out the magic of the Incoming view and have Nozbe do and remember things for you.
No more starting from scratch. Have a blueprint for success thanks to ready-to-go templates for regularly repeated projects.
If you want to act even more efficiently in your favorite project management app, learn how the search feature works and how to use it! This way you’ll be able to access all the information you need in no time.
One of the secrets to productivity is process automation. It sounds a bit like corporate lingo, but it’s worth taking a look at. See how cloning projects in Nozbe helps you save time and streamline your workflow.
Here is a way to ditch email at work and still get the most complex projects done. Learn more about Joint Projects in Nozbe! This feature will help you reduce the number of emails you exchange and get the job done faster.
Check out why I hate asking people for status updates and why the “Activity” view in Nozbe helps me become a better CEO.
See exactly how the new features in Nozbe work: project templates, calendar view, advanced recurring options and export to CVS. We will also show you how to use the Activity view, filters and how to do your weekly review in our app.
Here is a feature that is a great productivty booster and everyone waited for it eagerly. Bulk edit mode! Use this option and edit numerous tasks at the same time. For automation and optimization are key for personal and team productivity…
Next week, we will be celebrating Nozbe’s 15th birthday. We have something prepared for all of our users, so stay tuned. Today, I wanted to share some insights from the Product Development field.
We keep trying to convince everyone that asycnhronous communication, writing things down and simple yet effective tools are key to productivity - both personal and in a team. Because we believe in this so much, we regularly add features that make it easier. Watch this episode of our product vlog and check them out!