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Get Siri to add tasks to Nozbe – a short interview with Jeff Sanders


With technology, the only thing that can limit us is our creativity!

Nozbe for beginners and pros – a short interview with Jeroen Sangers


As a productivity tutor, Jeroen Sangers knows many GTD services, but Nozbe is his app of choice.

How to be productive in Africa? Short interview with Marek Zmyslowski


One of the most successful entrepreneurs in Africa, Marek Zmyslowski, is also a loyal Nozbe user. Check his tips out!

Productivity ideas from Erik Fisher - the host of the Beyond the To-Do List podcast


“I ultimately knew I wanted to have conversations with people” - Erik Fisher

After talking to Erik Fisher on his Beyond the To-Do List podcast, Michael (our CEO) thought it would be great to present the BTTDL host to the whole Nozbe community.

Here is the outcome: a great interview on productivity essentials and Erik’s methods for planning and staying on top of things.

Spare less than 15 minutes of your time and learn:

Managing projects with Nozbe 3 new features: Periscope recording


After launching Nozbe 3.0, in one of his Periscope videos, Michael presented a fresh way to manage shared projects.

Michael answered several questions, such as:

  • Why did we add a new project role called “Guest”?
  • What are user’s permissions in project?
  • How many Admins can be set up in one project?
  • Why Nozbe Business is a real game-changer?

He also revealed some details of how we work in Nozbe and why we strongly believe nobody is alone these days :)

How do you use Nozbe? Interview with Mike St. Pierre

Nozbe If you are looking for a new source of inspiration and trustful productivity tips for 2016, Mike St. Pierre and his blog are your solution. Mike St. Pierre is a blogger, host of “The Emergent Leader Podcast”, the Executive Director of the Catholic Campus Ministry Association and a father of 4 children. As you might guess, he uses Nozbe to get organized with all his projects. As an active user, Mike wrote a comprehensive Nozbe 2.

How Jeff Sanders uses Nozbe with Siri, and what’s coming in the future for Nozbe

As we’re ramping up our Affiliate program and we want to give you an even better product, I’m conducting interviews with our top affiliates, users and fans. One of them is Jeff Sanders, host of The 5 AM Miracle Podcast - and with Jeff we talked about a few things: how he discovered Nozbe how he uses Nozbe for his content creation how he tricks Siri into adding tasks to Nozbe via email he asks me what’s in the future for Nozbe what does “Nozbe” actually mean (hint - it’s not a Polish word) how I use Pomodoro and Unschedule with Nozbe and many more behind-the-scenes details about Nozbe It’s a longer chat (~ 20 minutes) but I’m sure you’ll find it useful.

AMA - Ask Me Anything - Today is Michael’s birthday and he has 3 gifts for you :-)

Nozbe written by Michael Sliwinski, Nozbe CEO and founder Only last week, I told you we celebrated 8th anniversary of Nozbe and today I’m celebrating one of my own. I was born on May 20, 1979, so today is my birthday. I can’t be happier: as the CEO of Nozbe I have a job which I love and which is more of a calling to me. And I have to thank you for that!

How to work with your partner to get your goals done in Nozbe

Hope you’re on the right track with your goals for 2015! In the last blogpost, we presented a short video about how to get your goals done in Nozbe - did you like it? Have you planned your goals yet? Since my last email we’ve improved the video to make it easier to follow - make sure to watch it again! Did you know that as a Nozbe PRO user you can create an additional Nozbe account for your partner absolutely free?

How to get your New Year’s Goals done

What if I tell you it’s still not too late to make this year your best yet? We’re approaching the end of January. According to research, most of us have already forgotten about our New Year’s resolutions… but I believe we can still get them done! Nozbe is here to help! Watch this short 1-minute video: [10 steps to getting your goals done:][goals] Learn how to achieve your goals…