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Famous Nozbe Design Fight Canceled - The No Office Podcast, ep. 31


In Nozbe, we believe that most meetings are toxic and would better be replaced by asynchronous communication. And although we’re pretty radical in this approach, we managed to be… even more radical 😎 We decided to reduce the already small number of meetings we have. Learn why it happened.

New Nozbe Features - Filters, Widget & more


We keep trying to convince everyone that asycnhronous communication, writing things down and simple yet effective tools are key to productivity - both personal and in a team. Because we believe in this so much, we regularly add features that make it easier. Watch this episode of our product vlog and check them out!

Black Friday Deals Coming Soon


Tomorrow is a big day for all the deal-hunters. We have something special for them 😎 From Black Friday on, you will be able to get up to 4 extra months for free. Stay tuned!

Plan for 1 and 2 Users in Nozbe


Nozbe is designed to improve team collaboration. But if you run your business on your own or with a partner, you also want to have your work organized and know what to do, why it matters, and how to get it done, right?

Have More Than Just 1 Space in Nozbe


We want to make Nozbe the most practical collaboration app for you and your team. Our main goal is to make communication much more effective and help everyone stay in sync. We also want you to easily handle various facets of your professional and personal life. Multiple spaces in Nozbe will help you here! Read on to find out more.

Pros and Cons of #iPadOnly Work- The No Office Podcast, ep. 30


Have you thought of working only on your iPad? Using iPad as your only or main computer? Watch this episode to see if such an approach is effective for everyone and how to tackle it.

7 Tips on Surviving the Workday When You’re Tired


Have you ever continually checked the time almost every 5 minutes while you are at work? You are just too tired to cope with the day’s work and you can’t compile the work to wait till the next day. You’re now wondering how to pull through this situation. Here is how to surviving a tough day at work.

Working across time zones - The No Office Podcast, ep. 29


Are you planning to join an international dispersed team? Or maybe going to live on a different continent for some time? See how to handle the time difference and other consequences of working in a different time zone than the rest of your team.

Link Related Tasks Together & Save Time


See how you can save time by linking somehow related tasks using active task links. Simple as it may seam, this feature proves super-practical and saves you precious minutes by letting you have quick access to the reference materials and information.

How To Handle A Chain Of Tasks In Nozbe


Sometimes, a task may rely on other tasks to be performed before it is marked as done. In this article, we show a neat trick that will help you handle such chains of tasks using task links.