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How we work with translators in Nozbe


Nozbe supports many languages. We offer not only the app, but also on-boarding, educational materials, blog posts, email campaigns and newsletters in multiple languages. To get these materials all sorted and delivered on time, we set up a simple system for collaborating with contractors based all over the world.

Why Your Team Isn’t Getting Things Done (And How to Change It)


Ah, productivity. It can be the bane of our existence. Whether your team works remotely or in-house, when your team isn’t on the ball, productivity suffers, morale drops, and revenue goes down.

Worst of all, stuff piles up so that everyone becomes more frustrated and even less motivated. Working on your own productivity is one thing. But how the heck do you make a whole team more productive so that stuff gets done?

What’s new in Nozbe 3.9


For this fall, we have prepared version 3.9 of Nozbe, designed to:

  • Improve communication via tasks thanks to adding links to tasks, and
  • Adjust our app to iOS 12’s new possibilities.

7 Reasons to Switch to eBooks and Change Your Life


Reading is among the first skills we develop in school. We harness this skill throughout our life ― when driving to the office (yes, we read traffic signs), when processing our emails or digesting a report, when browsing the news, when checking social media and the list goes on. We barely see reading as an act that ignites our passion or changes our life.

How to effectively work with your team in Nozbe - Part 16 of our FAQ series


Welcome back to our FAQ series in which we tackle the most popular questions our users send us in their e-mails. In this blogpost, we’ll take a closer look at the collaboration features in Nozbe.

Office Ergonomics: Fostering a Happier and Healthier Workplace


Most office-based employees will be able to recognise how their working environments influence their health and wellbeing. This is where office ergonomics come in.

Hack your agenda to find more time for sports - The Podcast (August 2018)


The Podcast is a weekly conversation between Michael (our CEO) and Radek (Nozbe VP Apple.) In August, our hosts reveal how to find more time for sports in our busy lives and compare blogging to podcasting. Read on and choose your favorite episode this month.

Start doing good project retrospectives and do something for Mother Earth


We know you’re doing everything to get your projects done quickly and really well. But do you and your team always look back after the project is closed to summarize the process and list the lessons learned? Just in case, we have a great cheat sheet :) The second template that we’ve prepared for you is ecology-related. We want to present you the Zero waste lifestyle and encourage you to live better!

Nozbe 3.8 for iOS with powerful automation


In recent days, we released the new version of our app, Nozbe 3.8. We focused mainly on mobile apps to enrich native user experience in Nozbe. In this blogpost, I will focus on the new features in the iOS app. If you use Android please see this post.

Nozbe 3.8 with a new Android widget


We are in the middle of the summer season. However, at Nozbe we are still working very hard. We have a great customer community, and we want to deliver the best productivity platform and experience to them. With the newest update – Nozbe 3.8 – we focused on our mobile apps. Both Android and iOS got some love from our dev team. In this blog post, I’d like to focus on some cool new features for Android users.