“Trust is good, but control is better,” they say. Well, Michael says the opposite: control is overvalued, and trust is the key to a focused and effective remote team. Learn why!
“Trust is good, but control is better,” they say. Well, Michael says the opposite: control is overvalued, and trust is the key to a focused and effective remote team. Learn why!
If you think that working from home is impossible when there are children present, you’re wrong! You can organize your office and your home, even with children around, all under one roof – and that’s what the first episode of the 4th series is about!
In this episode, Michael examines the need for instant communication on teams and explains how it works in our company – or, to be precise, how we avoid it as much as possible.
A prepared meeting is better, more effective and more enjoyable than other meetings. Even reunions! Today Michael shows how this works in our company.
Welcome back to the “Ask Michael” Show! This time, Michael discusses what it’s like to run a fully remote company.
After an active summer, we’re bringing back your favorite productivity series on YouTube :)
It’s been two months since we all met in person in Torun at our company gathering. We celebrated, worked, learned and chilled out. Now you can see what our reunions are like and find out how many different things we did.
On the first day Michael, our CEO, welcomed us, summarized the last six months of our work and progress and then… we could finally celebrate Nozbe’s 10th anniversary “live” - we had delicious cake and champagne.
Thanks God It’s Friday or a Mighty Friday is what helps us boost our team productivity (we mentioned it in our previous post). It’s tough to admit, but before we launched it, hardly any of us had been doing a regular review. Michael decided to change that, and now we can reveal our conclusions and tips for everyone who would like to follow this policy.
The main lesson for Friday-lovers is to focus on your own schedule. Think of TGIF as a day designed by yourself, not imposed on you by your day-to-day duties, a task list or your boss. You are the only one who decides what to do after the review.
We have a new policy at Nozbe. We treat Fridays differently. And we call it “Piąteczek” (in Polish), which you could translate to: TGIF as in “Thank God It’s Friday”. Here’s what it’s all about:
Note: This is a short version of the post I originally posted on Medium where I post about remote working as a part of NoOffice publication. I’d appreciate if you followed me there and recommended my posts, thanks!
Note 2: If you prefer a different “audio” version of this article, we discussed this new TGIF policy with my co-host Radek at the #60 episode of The Podcast. We came back to the topic in the #70 episode.
We’re already quite an unorthodox company. We all work remotely from our homes and we don’t have a single physical office. We’ve been working like this for almost a decade and hundreds of thousands of users of our Nozbe app don’t seem to mind that at all.
But we’re not unorthodox just for the sake of it. We are like that because it works. Because we enjoy a better lifestyle thanks to our “No Office” arrangement.
After all, we’re a productivity company. When we experiment, we do it for a reason. To work better. To be better. To grow better. And this new policy is supposed to help us exactly at that.
And it all started with 3 questions that I couldn’t get off of my mind: