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Magic Keyboard Review - Michael’s CEO Vlog


On my CEO vlog I’ll be talking about team productivity and our journey of launching Nozbe Teams and running our company - our values and ways we do things - but sometimes I will just geek out and will take you behind the scenes of how I work…

Working from home - efficient meetings. Ep. 5 of our live sessions on remote work.


Here is the recording of the 5th live session dedicated to remote work. In this episode, Michael, Nozbe CEO, and Radek, Nozbe’s VP of Engineering, share their experience with working from home effectively. Today hey explain explain how to do online meetings with everyone joining in from their homes and how to do it efficiently.

Q&A Working from home. Ep. 4 of our live sessions on remote work.


Here is the recording of the 4th live session dedicated to remote work. In this episode, Michael, Nozbe CEO, and Radek, Nozbe’s VP of Engineering, share their experience with working from home effectively. They explain what to do to adapt to this new situation and get your work done at home.

Apps to use when working from home. Ep. 2 of our live sessions on remote work.


Here is the recording of the 2nd live session dedicated to remote work. In this episode, Michael, Nozbe CEO, and Radek, Nozbe’s VP of Engineering, share their experience with working from home effectively. They explain which tools and apps to use to help you adapt to this new situation and get your work done at home.

How to collaborate and communicate remotely. Ep. 3 of our live sessions on working from home.


Here is the recording of the 2nd live session dedicated to remote work. In this episode, Michael, Nozbe CEO, and Radek, Nozbe’s VP of Engineering, share their experience with working from home effectively. They explain which tools and apps to use to help you adapt to this new situation and get your work done at home.

Working from home - the first steps. Ep. 1 of Michael’s live sessions on remote work.


Here is the recording of the first live session dedicated to remote work. In this episode, Michael, Nozbe CEO, and Radek, Nozbe’s VP of Engineering, share their essential tips to work from home effectively. They explain the initial steps you might want to take to organize your home office and adapt to this new situation.

Special policy for the Nozbe team due to the coronavirus outbreak


This is a special episode of the vlog series by Michael Sliwinski where he shares his expertise on team productivity, remote work, new technologies, and running a business. At this very difficult time, Michael speaks of the emergency policy he introduces in our company due to the coronavirus outbreak.

Nozbe and Nozbe Teams - A 2-product company


Here is the second episode of the vlog series by Michael Sliwinski where he shares his expertise on team productivity, remote work, new technologies, and running a team and a business. This time, Michael explains why after 13 years in business Nozbe becomes a two-product company.

13 stories for Nozbe’s 13th birthday


Ladies and gentlemen, we’re thrilled to present the first episode of the new series by Michael Sliwinski. From now on, the CEO of Nozbe’s going to vlog regularly and share his knowledge and expertise on team productivity, remote work, new technologies, running a team and a business, etc.

How to achieve your personal and business goals with Nozbe - Video tutorials


Forget New Year’s Resolutions in 2019 and instead focus on accomplishing your goals.

Well-defined goals help you create a vision to work towards so you can get better results. Otherwise, you’ll be working hard to fulfill others’ objectives, not your own.

What gets measured and planned gets done… so set your targets, track your progress and easily achieve what you’ve planned this year.

With Nozbe, setting goals and working towards achieving them is easy and fun. Just see for yourself: