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Which kind of coffee will get you going?


Which kind of coffee will energize you the best? For sure the one that contains lots of caffeine. It’s pretty obvious. So which coffee to choose, then? That is not so obvious at all. The common opinion is that coffee with a strong taste is the most powerful and contains the greatest amount of caffeine. Actually it works the other way round.

Taking responsibility for one’s life and becoming a paperless essentialist - September episodes of “The Podcast”


The Podcast is a weekly conversation between Michael (our CEO) and Radek (Nozbe VP Apple.) Usually they talk about books, business, productivity, technology and more. In September our hosts focused on resolving conflicts, paper going dead and cutting down on what’s “good”, but not good enough.

Ask Michael S03E06: Nozbe (not only) for lawyers


Why do law offices choose Nozbe to manage their work? Because they know we have a high level of security and encryption, and they feel safe in keeping their clients’ and their own data with us. And that’s the topic of today’s new “Ask Michael” episode!

Nozbe Reunion - Wrocław (Oct. 9-14, 2017) - customer support slowdown


As we do every six months, the entire Nozbe team will soon be meeting in-person for a few days. This time, our gathering will take place in Wrocław, a beautiful city in the South-West of Poland. As a result, our customer support may slow down at that time. However, we are going to be working hard every day of the reunion to make decisions that will form the future of Nozbe.

Siri and Google Assistant can now talk 🗣 to Nozbe


With Nozbe 3.6 we can make your back-to-work time even more productive. You will now be able to easily capture tasks via Siri on your iPhone or via Google Assistant on your Android smartphone. Other cool features are the search option within your completed tasks 🔍✔️ and customizable Nozbe reminders 🛠🔔 . Let me show you what exactly you’re getting with Nozbe 3.6.

Ask Michael S03E05: Project notes


Today you’ll learn how to store notes and attachments related to your projects. It’s pretty easy with project attachments!

Tackle the greater challenges earlier in the day


Research indicate that human beings are better able to handle challenges earlier in the day rather than later. Peak energy and alertness for most people is at 8 a.m. Also, fewer interruptions are likely earlier in the day.

Don’t miss these project templates: how to eat your “frogs” regularly + coping with anxiety


Use the following step-by-step instructions to guide you in difficult situations and boost your productivity. Adjust our ideas to your needs, apply right away and share them to make the others' lives easier.

Ask Michael S03E04: Dropbox


We rely deeply on cloud solutions. Dropbox is one of them: it’s where we store our team files. Watch the new episode to learn how it looks under the hood!

Watch the recording of our webinar: “Tips to Getting Your Projects Done this year!”

Last night we shared some great productivity tips and we answered a lot of your questions during the webinar. That’s why we’ve decided to share the recording with you so that you can make use of all these useful tricks! We hope they will give you what it takes to achieve all of your goals this year and beyond! Watch the recording of our LIVE webinar: “Tips to Getting Your Projects Done this year!