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Activity View - The Best Nozbe Feature For Managers


Check out why I hate asking people for status updates and why the “Activity” view in Nozbe helps me become a better CEO.

Team management, feedback & Nonprofit Productive - Mike St. Pierre


“Being productive is one thing. Being nonprofit productive takes something more.” - says Mike St. Pierre, productivity geek with over 25 years of nonprofit leadership. Together with his team, he aims to equip nonprofit leaders with simple productivity strategies to help them maximize their team efficiency and avoid burnout. Watch and read to learn more.

How 2️⃣ Companies Can Collaborate Efficiently


We want to show you something. (You’ll find the video below ⬇️)

👉 Something that we worked on for a long time

👉 Something that makes Nozbe even more outstanding collaboration platform

👉 Something that is uber-simple & helps teams stay productive.

Nozbe New Features: API, hashtags, bulk edit…


The Nozbe app gets more and more powerful tool for entrepreneurs and teams. We keep adding functions that let you reduce the time you spend on work management and do more actual work that will push your projects forward.

Nozbe New Features and Practical Tips


We don’t boast enough about the Nozbe new features and updates, so here we go. Now you can create single tasks for your teammates, invite contractors or clients to share a project with you and clone projects that you want to repeat regularly. Check it out!

How To Get Started With Nozbe - 10 Basic Steps


Your team needs a safe place to work and exchange feedback and a space for natural organization to keep everything in order. You want to communicate effectively, move your projects forward, and be sure that nothing gets lost, right?

18+1 Good Reason Why I Can’t Quit Nozbe


First things first: I’m heavily biased toward Nozbe. This post will demonstrate where my bias comes from. To me, Nozbe is much more than a simple task manager: it’s a whole-life system, guiding all areas of my life.

How I Use Nozbe as a Content Calendar


Most people who create content use a content calendar (an editorial calendar) in some form. Simply put, a content calendar works as a sentinel for controlling the publication process and ensuring that your content appears regularly.

In this post, you’ll learn:

  • How to plan your blog posts ahead of time using Nozbe
  • How to leverage Nozbe categories to track the publication process (blog post status)
  • How to schedule publication
  • How to make writing a priority
  • How to go pro with Nozbe’s hidden functions

At the heart of Nozbe are your projects. And that’s how you begin to create a content calendar…

How we work with translators in Nozbe


Nozbe supports many languages. We offer not only the app, but also on-boarding, educational materials, blog posts, email campaigns and newsletters in multiple languages. To get these materials all sorted and delivered on time, we set up a simple system for collaborating with contractors based all over the world.

Getting Started: The First 10 Days of Nozbe


So you’ve decided to give Nozbe a try. You’ve registered and downloaded the app to your computer or smartphone… We are thrilled! And you will be, too! Read on, follow the tips and take your productivity to a whole new level. Let’s get started!