Future is hybrid. Now it is for sure. Office used to be a tool for the company management while it should be a tool for employees to get their work done in the most efficient way. Hybrid work is all about it. We share our ideas and the best tips to arrange the hybrid work in your company.
Mighty Fridays in Nozbe - The No Office Podcast, ep. 37
After a serious introduction involving the war, Ukraine being invaded by Russia and the disinformation we must fight, Michael and Rafal tell you everything about the 4-day workweek in the Nozbe company and our Mighty Fridays.
Lean & kaizen in software development - The No Office Podcast, ep. 36
Rafal and his guest Radek - Nozbe CTO, talk about the way the Nozbe team implements Kaizen improvements in order to ship the app updates every week and constantly improve the processes.
2022: The Year Of The Bicycle - The No Office Podcast, ep. 35
Michael and Rafal reveal quite a few secrets in this episode of the NoOffice Podcast. They talk about 15 years of running a remote company and how painful was the reality check of the plans they had.
iPad Mini Review & Productivity Hacks - The No Office Podcast, ep. 34
This episode’s recording started with a bit of technical issues. Nothing happens without a reason! Thanks to these little problems we can share some unusual productivity tips with you… And Rafal will share his impressions of using his iPad Mini in various fields of professional and private life.
Rafal’s MacBook Pro Optimized Desk Setup - The No Office Podcast, ep. 33
New year, new No Office podcast episodes, Rafal’s new MacBook Pro and his newly arranged desk. Find out how to improve your home office set up and how to upcycle old gadgets and reuse your earlier equipment.
How we develop the product in Nozbe - The No Office Podcast, ep. 32
Adjusting your daily schedule is a good thing! Testing and experimenting with various configurations will help you set up a perfect pattern. The same goes for processes in your team. See how we improve schedules and product development process in our company,
Famous Nozbe Design Fight Canceled - The No Office Podcast, ep. 31
In Nozbe, we believe that most meetings are toxic and would better be replaced by asynchronous communication. And although we’re pretty radical in this approach, we managed to be… even more radical 😎 We decided to reduce the already small number of meetings we have. Learn why it happened.
Pros and Cons of #iPadOnly Work- The No Office Podcast, ep. 30
Have you thought of working only on your iPad? Using iPad as your only or main computer? Watch this episode to see if such an approach is effective for everyone and how to tackle it.
Working across time zones - The No Office Podcast, ep. 29
Are you planning to join an international dispersed team? Or maybe going to live on a different continent for some time? See how to handle the time difference and other consequences of working in a different time zone than the rest of your team.