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Ask Michael #12: Nozbe office?

Nozbe And here it is – the last episode of the first season of “Ask Michael!” Today Michael answers two questions we get all the time: After the previous episode, you already know that we run Nozbe with Nozbe – and without an office. Why do we only work remotely? Who else follows that approach? And where, actually, can you visit us? Watch the new episode! What now? We’re wrapping up the first season of “Ask Michael.

Idea dumping - what it’s for, when and how to employ Nozbe


I’m not that creative… and worse yet - I’m blonde. I still happen to have ideas, though. Sometimes :-) When I need to, I force myself to reflect and come up with a nice solution or plan. More often, interesting thoughts just pop into my head in the most unexpected situations… Because I don’t want to lose these little treasures, I always capture them. I encourage you to do the same.

The purpose of all this commotion?

Idea dumping is a really handy procedure - whether you do it routinely or spontaneously. Thoughts in your mind, although precious, can be a hindrance to productivity. When they float around in your head, they will surface again and again at inappropriate times, stress you out and, worse still, be lost when they are actually needed.

You might want to run idea-dumping sessions for two reasons:

Ask Michael #11: Apps we use to run Nozbe


As a tech company, we’re armed with many apps to run our business. Some of you are curious about which apps we use and how. That’s where “Ask Michael” comes in!

Since we’re in No Office model, we have no other choice than using the best available services and applications to get our work done, to communicate and to discuss our efforts. But that’s just one side of the coin. In fact, playing with new things and upgrading our toolset is our passion. :)

Using Nozbe As A Personal Information Manager



I stumbled upon Nozbe several years ago while searching – yet again – for the ideal multi-platform task management system. Even then, Nozbe had a clean, crisp, and powerful interface. Today, Nozbe stands alone as the ultimate expression of a well-designed task management system.

Each new version of Nozbe allows me to update and refine my personal productivity workflow. Nozbe, the company, works very closely with their user community to keep the flow of ideas moving and growing.

Productive! Magazine #34: essentialism, default settings and declutter habit


Here comes Productive! Magazine no.34 - the latest and the last issue of our periodical.

The reason we stop working on our magazine (that have been on-line for more than 8 years) is… essentialism :-) Michael, our Editor in Chief, explains his decision in details in his article that you will find inside this edition.

Interview with Greg McKeown

The special guest of issue no.34 is none other than Greg McKeown, the author of the New York Times bestseller, “Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less”.

Ask Michael #8: Feature Requests at Nozbe

Nozbe 10 years in business – and just as many years listening to customers. We get feature requests every single day. And that’s what the latest “Ask Michael” episode is about! You might be curious what we do with your requests. Are they stored somewhere? Does anyone read them? First, we carefully review your requests. Then we save them in a special Nozbe project. And use them while planning future releases. But our experience tells us that (usually) simply adding new features isn’t actually what you really want.

Ask Michael #7: Nozbe & Slack

Nozbe Nozbe isn’t the only app we use to get things done. We also use Slack. The natural question is: is integration between these apps on the way? Although we strongly prefer asynchronous communication because it doesn’t disrupt deep work, we need more “live” and less action-focused field too – to keep a healthy balance. Slack handles this very well. Check out what Michael has to say about Slack, its role on our team and the future of integration between Nozbe and Slack:

Ask Michael #6: How does Michael use Nozbe to run the company?

Nozbe After celebrating the 10th anniversary of Nozbe, Michael comes back with extra insight from our team! Watch to find out how he manages the whole company within the Nozbe app. It’s actually an extremely common question: how do we use Nozbe on a daily basis? The truth is, we’re just one of our own customers, using exactly the same product that we offer to you. Check out how a structure of shared projects and good habits can keep your team action oriented:

Watch our Webinar recording: “Your Productivity Evolution: from Personal to Business in the last 10 years of Nozbe”

Nozbe We were blown away by how many people signed up and attended our live webinar. It went so well that we decided to share the recording with you. We hope it will help you “refresh” your productivity powers and the tips and tricks will give you what it takes to achieve all of your goals this year and beyond! Watch the recording of our LIVE webinar: “Your Productivity Evolution: from Personal to Business in the last 10 years of Nozbe”:

Ask Michael SPECIAL EPISODE: a Decade of Productivity

Nozbe A new episode of the Ask Michael series is chock-full of facts and conclusions from 10 years of Nozbe. Michael speaks for himself about how he got started and what has changed since 2007. Recently we’ve shared the history of the Nozbe app. Today Michael presents his own point of view. How did he meet David Allen? What was the first book about Nozbe? What’s next? This video is a bit longer than usual, as the history of Nozbe can’t be told in a few minutes.