With Nozbe, you’re not dependent on Wi-Fi. Your tasks are always with you, as long as you have a device with some charge. Does this feature really matter? Oh, yes, it does!
With Nozbe, you’re not dependent on Wi-Fi. Your tasks are always with you, as long as you have a device with some charge. Does this feature really matter? Oh, yes, it does!
After the introduction of our new pricing, we received some questions about VIP support for our popular Business plan. Now you’ll know better what to expect!
Did you know that checklists are a popular type of comment among Nozbe users? We’re not surprised: it’s a powerful tool to organize mini-actions or small parts of a task, as well as a good way to get started on a new project. Looking for more ideas on how to get organized? Here you go!
If you think that working from home is impossible when there are children present, you’re wrong! You can organize your office and your home, even with children around, all under one roof – and that’s what the first episode of the 4th series is about!
Sticking with the habit of a regular review has many good sides and one bad: it’s easy to say and hard to actually do. Fortunately, you can help yourself – and that’s what Michael is talking about today.
What does Nozbe offer for collaboration? What can you achieve by inviting someone to your Nozbe team? And what will happen when you do that? All of this in today’s “Ask Michael” episode!
In this episode, Michael examines the need for instant communication on teams and explains how it works in our company – or, to be precise, how we avoid it as much as possible.
Our use of the Pyramid of Communication is not limited to just internal collaboration; we also employ the general rules of successful communication in our Customer Support. Listen here to learn why it’s crucial to set expectations for your clients!
Today you’ll learn how to store notes and attachments related to your projects. It’s pretty easy with project attachments!
A prepared meeting is better, more effective and more enjoyable than other meetings. Even reunions! Today Michael shows how this works in our company.