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Work From Anywhere You Want - No Office Podcast, ep. 41


Try working from a café or from your balcony, or try doing a weekly review on a park bench and say goodbye to procrastination. Changing work environment from time to time can help you increase your productivity.

A Glance at the Nozbe Work Culture: Yes, We Are Unicorns


If you think that an ideal work environment doesn’t exist, then you probably don’t know what it’s like to work for Nozbe. The values that we follow in our company’s day-to-day operations also significantly influence the way our apps function. Read on to learn how to develop a great work culture in your company!

How to Identify and Prevent Burnout at Work


The problem of job burnout is so common that the World Health Organization has decided to include it in the ICD-11 International Classification of Diseases and Health Problems. This way no one can treat burnout as a whim or a drama queen thing anymore. See how to recognize and deal with burnout. The problem may also concern you and your loved ones.

Nonprofit Staff Benefits from Nozbe Pyramid of Communication


As the Covid-19 pandemic shut down much of the US during the 2020-2021 academic year, a faith-based nonprofit in the United States leaned into remote work. Unable to use the co-working space, our team of 4 staffers decided to give “remote-first” a try.

Joint Projects in Nozbe - Collaborate More Effectively


Here is a way to ditch email at work and still get the most complex projects done. Learn more about Joint Projects in Nozbe! This feature will help you reduce the number of emails you exchange and get the job done faster.

Why And How To Do A Weekly Review


In the hustle and bustle, it’s easy to lose your way and become reactive instead of proactive. Your job is getting down to just putting out fires. You miss important things, you fail and lose credibility with your customers, colleagues and your boss. One of the solutions to this problem is a weekly review!

Activity View - The Best Nozbe Feature For Managers


Check out why I hate asking people for status updates and why the “Activity” view in Nozbe helps me become a better CEO.

How Project Templates, Calendar & Filters Work in Nozbe - Product Vlog


See exactly how the new features in Nozbe work: project templates, calendar view, advanced recurring options and export to CVS. We will also show you how to use the Activity view, filters and how to do your weekly review in our app.

Weekly Review Tips & Tricks - No Office Podcast, ep. 40


Get the best tips & tricks to running regular, easy and effective weekly reviews that will boost your productivity and help you organize your work.

How Our Customers Use Nozbe To Grow Their Business


Nozbe users know that to get work done a team needs a simple yet powerful tool to connect all moving parts and centralize and plan projects from start to finish. Our app help small- and medium-sized teams streamline projects to deliver their best work.